Coffee review

The preponderant washing treatment of Kenyan boutique coffee beans also has the special flavor characteristics of the sun method.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, When it comes to Kenyan coffee, I have to talk about one of the possible reasons why the Kenyan flavor is very different from that of other countries, that is, the general coffee cherries are picked and FloatingMethod is used to screen immature coffee cherries. After being screened out, the coffee and cherries will pass.

When it comes to Kenyan coffee, I have to talk about one of the possible reasons why the Kenyan flavor is very different from that of other countries, that is, the general coffee cherries are picked and Floating Method is used to screen immature coffee cherries. After screening, the coffee cherry will remove the outer skin and pulp through the pulp removal machine, then enter the washing tank to rest fermentation, and then enter the drying process.

Kenyan coffee is washed in Kenyan style and the fermentation is finished before the drying process. Because the whole fermentation process takes about 72 hours, it is also called K72 in Central America, also because it has been soaked in water twice, also known as Double Soaking. This type of treatment has its own variants after it has spread to Luanda or Central America, and they all have different effects on the flavor.

The unique flavor of Kenyan coffee

Kenyan coffee is washed in Kenyan style, because it is interspersed with the process of drying and fermentation, so that many berry flavors that can only be found in the sun, are also found in Kenyan washed beans.


The reason why sun-dried Kenyan coffee beans are very rare is that most of the processing plants are joint ventures and are used to produce coffee cherries from small farmers near the processing plant. So the primary purpose of the joint venture processing plant is to make a profit.

As a processing plant, stable and large quantities of finished products are a very important consideration, so Kenyan washing has always been a very good option for handling coffee cherries. In addition, when boutique coffee became popular, coffee beans were required to be rich in bright acidity and cleanliness, which happened to be the strengths of Kenyan washing. It is too difficult for the processing factory to take the risk and manpower to produce a batch of solarization that the market does not know whether it likes or not.

But the rarity does not mean that there is no, there are also many raw bean companies in the region of continuous efforts, in the hope that the future sun in Kenya will become more and more common.