Coffee review

Hot or cold Yega Chefee coffee bean flavor characteristics brewing manipulation temperature

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Would you like your coffee hot or cold? This depends on personal preferences, hot Yega Chuefei flavor aroma will be more intense and prominent, sweet and sour feeling will be more obvious, while cold Yega Sheffield coffee will be different, its bitterness will rise, sweetness will decrease, the flavor will be less obvious. Cold Yega Xuefei

Would you like your coffee hot or cold? This depends on personal preferences, hot Yega Chuefei flavor aroma will be more intense and prominent, sweet and sour feeling will be more obvious, while cold Yega Sheffield coffee will be different, its bitterness will rise, sweetness will decrease, the flavor will be less obvious.

Cold Ye Jia Xuefei also has a meaning, that is, the ice hand rushes Ye Jia Xuefei, its taste will be very special. The parameters of ice flushing are different from those of hot flushing. Today, the editor is going to share how to brew ice by hand. Individuals will use 15 grams of coffee powder. The ratio of powder to water at 1:10 is finer than usual. This is because ice will dilute its concentration, so we have to increase its concentration. First, we put 100g ice cubes in the hand flushing pot, how to grind the coffee and pour it into filter paper. We use 93 degrees water temperature and steam for 30 seconds. Use 30 grams of water, then start the first stage extraction, inject water to 90 grams, the time is about 1 minute, then start the second stage of water injection, water injection to 150 grams of water, the total extraction time is about 1 minute and 40 seconds, after flushing, we shake the filter cup. Shake the coffee evenly. The final coffee is very refreshing in entrance, clear in acidity, cold and refreshing, and very thirsty in summer. So where can I buy Yega Sheffield coffee? In Qianjie Coffee, there are very high-quality Yejashefi coffee beans that can be purchased, and the performance-to-price ratio is super. In addition, there are more than 50 kinds of boutique coffee beans from different producing areas. Don't miss it.
