Coffee review

What is Blue Mountain Coffee authentic Blue Mountain Coffee Brand Grade Taste characteristics

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What is Blue Mountain Coffee? Blue Mountain Coffee is defined as coffee with a flavor similar to that of authentic Blue Mountain Coffee. Why is there such a thing? This is because the blue mountain coffee at that time was so expensive that ordinary people could not afford it, so some merchants played on the edge here. Authentic Blue Mountain Coffee.


If we enter the keyword "Blue Mountain" in the search engine, there will be a large number of articles about how to identify the authenticity of Blue Mountain. Indeed, as Blue Mountain Coffee is famous all over the world, many unscrupulous merchants pretend to be real products under the banner of Blue Mountain, and there are a large number of fake Blue Mountain products on the market.

What is the flavor of Blue Mountain?

Blue Mountain Coffee was once known as Herm è s, the so-called "Blue Mountain flavor" is to let people taste rich, dense, long-lasting chocolate, roasted hazelnut aroma, while with a sour, sweet, bitter, fragrant, mellow taste. Qianjie believes that Blue Mountain Coffee has such a high reputation without the careful management and strict grading of Jamaican growers.


The Blue Mountains have unique local conditions, and the combination of various factors makes it a perfect space for growing coffee. Coffee as a crop, variety, altitude, picking, post-treatment will affect the final aroma.

Jamaica Coffee Industry Authority (CIB) officially divided the area, growing Blue Mountain Coffee in the forest area at an altitude of about 910 to 1700m above sea level can be called the true sense of "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee". Iron pickup needs to be planted at high altitude, the flavor performance is more prominent, coupled with the poor disease resistance of iron pickup varieties, very easy to get infected, coupled with the low fruit yield of a single plant, so it needs to put more manpower to take good care of it. In addition, the terrain at the high elevation of the Blue Mountains is uneven, and it is very difficult to manage and pick, so there is a high demand for the proficiency of the harvester, which further affects the production. In recent years, less than 15% of the coffee beans produced in Jamaica can be labeled as Blue Mountain Coffee, about 900 tons.


I believe many friends have heard the rumor that "the authentic Blue Mountain Coffee has been monopolized by Japan", which is not groundless. UCC is a Japanese coffee company, formerly known as Ushima Coffee Co., Ltd., which opened a farm to operate the Blue Mountain Coffee project in Jamaica in 1981. Jamaica promised to sell 90% of the Blue Mountain coffee quota to Japan, coupled with the strong promotion of Blue Mountain in Japan, so it is difficult to get Blue Mountain prices. Today, with the vigorous development of coffee culture, it is not difficult to drink a cup of Blue Mountain Coffee. In Qianjie, you can drink a cup of Blue Mountain No.1 hand-made black coffee for 60 yuan.

Not all Jamaican coffee is called Blue Mountain Coffee.

CIB has designated an area of about 6000 hectares in the Blue Mountains, and it is strictly stipulated that only the iron pickup coffee produced in this area can be called "Blue Mountain Coffee". Coffee in other areas is called Alpine Coffee or Jamaican preferred Coffee.


According to the area divided by CIB, the forest area growing Blue Mountain Coffee is about 910-1700 meters above sea level, mainly distributed in St. Thomas (St.Thomas), St. Mary's (St.Mary), St. Andrews (St.Andrew) and Portland (Portland), accounting for 3% of the total Blue Mountain planting area.

In the quality control of raw beans, CIB standardizes the cultivation, output and sales of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee, thereby improving coffee quality, standardizing coffee production and processing procedures, and coordinating the sale of Blue Mountain Coffee in the market. CIB is also responsible for the grading and quality testing of coffee produced in the Blue Mountains. In other words, Blue Mountain Coffee sold all over the world must be certified by CIB and carry its label.

Compared with other coffee producing areas, Jamaica is the first country to realize the "regional flavor" of coffee. The criteria for evaluating the quality of blue mountain raw beans cover a number of areas: raw bean size, defect rate, color, evenness, cup test performance after roasting (including dry aroma, wet aroma, acidity, flavor, alcohol thickness, cleanliness, etc.) and other factors.


Combined with the above standards, Blue Mountain Coffee is divided into four grades, from high to low: blue Mountain No. 1, Blue Mountain No. 2, Blue Mountain No. 3, Blue Mountain Round Bean. The top Lanshan No.1 raw bean must meet the specification of more than 17 mesh, the defect rate is less than 3%, the moisture content is about 13%, and the cup test shows rich coffee aroma, smooth, balanced taste, low weak acidity and long-lasting. Lanshan coffee beans that have completed the quality testing will be transported according to different grades and carriers of different materials. Lanshan No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 are the only coffee exported in wooden barrels. There are three specifications: 70 kg, 30 kg and 15 kg. Other grades of Jamaican coffee are exported in 60 kg gunny bags.

How can we break out of the blue mountain flavor?

Qianjie hopes to highlight the mellow and round taste of Blue Mountain No. 1 coffee, which will be extracted with KONO coffee filter cup. KONO's ribs are less than half the height of the filter cup, and this design is actually designed to ensure that the filter cup is wet and close to the wall of the filter cup to limit the airflow, which will increase the water absorption time of coffee powder particles and make the extracted coffee more uniform as a whole.


Cooking parameters: 15g powder, powder / water ratio 1:15, grinding degree: EK43s scale 10.5 (China 20 standard sieve rate 75%), water temperature: 87g 88 ℃, cooking technique: staged extraction.

Place the filter paper in the KONO filter cup and fill it with water to wet the filter paper and make them fit better. Pour in the coffee powder and gently pat to distribute the powder evenly. The first stage is gently injected with 30 grams of water for steaming for 30 seconds, and the second stage is injected with about 125 grams of water to circle evenly and smoothly outward. Then wait for the coffee liquid to drop, drop to half, inject the last section of water to 225 grams, wait for the coffee to fall behind, the general total extraction time is about 2 minutes.


The hand-brewed Blue Mountain No.1 coffee is dark chocolate and nuts, which is very mellow and has obvious almonds. As the temperature drops, baked hazelnuts, creamy and smooth, with a hint of soft acidity and caramel sweetness, the aroma lingers in the mouth.

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