Coffee review

Introduction to the production process of Nestle Blue Mountain Coffee why it is so cheap

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why is Nestle's instant coffee so cheap? The reason is that the coffee beans it uses are very cheap Robusta beans, and then artificially modulate its flavor to give it a taste similar to Blue Mountain Coffee, but there is no authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee bean. So Nestl é's instant blue mountain flavor coffee is so

Why is Nestle's instant coffee so cheap? The reason is that the coffee beans it uses are very cheap Robusta beans, and then artificially modulate its flavor to give it a taste similar to Blue Mountain Coffee, but there is no authentic Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee bean.

So this is how Nestl é's instant Blue Mountain flavor coffee is made? Today, let's talk about its production process. First of all, we will use a large screening machine to screen the raw coffee beans to remove impurities, and then put the raw coffee beans into a large roasting machine for roasting. Generally, instant coffee is made from Robusta coffee beans. After baking, the coffee is put into an industrial coffee concentrate extraction machine to extract espresso. In order to prevent the aroma from volatilizing, the espresso liquid will be rapidly frozen as soon as possible, then beaten into powder and dried in vacuum. Get the instant coffee freeze-dried powder, and finally add white granulated sugar, plant fat powder and other seasoning, package it, and the instant coffee is finished. This industrialized fully automatic production method, the output is very large, the cost is very low, so it will be so cheap.
