Coffee review

Hand brewed coffee filter paper folding method diagram filter paper does not fit filter cup solution

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Choosing a good filter cup is very important for brewing coffee, and the filter paper fits the filter cup more importantly, because if the filter paper does not fit the filter cup, the "grain" on the filter cup does not play its due role. Isn't it easy to fit filter paper to filter cup? But the devil hides in the details, some details are not in place, very

Choosing a good filter cup is very important for making coffee, and the filter paper is more important to fit the filter cup, because if the filter paper is not attached to the filter cup, the "lines" on the filter cup will not play its due role.

Isn't it easy for filter paper to fit the filter cup? But the devil is hidden in the details, and some of the details are not in place, which is likely to occur as shown in the following picture.



This situation is that the filter paper is not positioned correctly, resulting in one side of the wet water sticking together and the other half "tilting up". If you want to talk about the impact of this situation, there must be some, but the extent of the impact is not to the extent that it destroys a cup of coffee. But adhering to the principle of doing the best, as long as you pay attention to the details, you can close the filter cup very well. The first step is to make sure that the filter cup and filter paper are regular. The reason why Qianjie likes to use the resin version of the V60 filter cup is that in the standard industrial mass production, the resin material is the best shaping product with the least error. Like the ceramic version, there is a chance to encounter a filter cup with an angle of less than 60 degrees. Filter paper had better also choose the products of large factories, first, workmanship standards, second, the quality is guaranteed. Next, in the folding filter paper, we need to pay attention to these details. There is a suture on one side of the tapered filter paper, and the suture will be relatively hard. Fold along the suture first.


Then open the filter paper.



Butt the crease lines on both sides and be careful not to crease the bottom of the cone.


Squeeze the original two crease lines together and flatten the crease so that it will not be cocked up on the filter cup at the back. The right hand repeatedly presses the crease and pulls and smoothes it. Be careful not to create new creases.


Then there is an important detail, that is, the seam joint of the cone bottom is protruding, so that if you put it on the filter cup, it may get stuck in the ribs under the filter cup, resulting in the wrong position of the filter paper. Therefore, folding the protruding part along the cone can effectively avoid this phenomenon.



Then put it on the filter cup, press the filter paper and attach it to the filter cup to make sure it fits. If it doesn't fit, slowly adjust the position to make sure it fits.


Then don't let go, hold the filter paper and the edge of the filter cup with your fingertips, fix it, and then wet the filter paper with hot water to ensure that the filter paper fits the filter cup.


Of course, the way to make the filter paper fit the filter cup with non-wet filter paper is to use the weight of coffee powder to "press" the filter paper to prevent it from "tilting". Therefore, the non-wet filter paper can also make the filter cup fit well.
