Coffee review

What does the cleanliness of coffee beans mean? what does it have to do with? The relationship between the level of hand-brewed coffee and cleanliness

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, When tasting coffee, it is sometimes described as "how clean this coffee bean is!" So what does this cleanliness mean? In tasting coffee, one item is cleanliness. Many friends have a vague understanding of the word. Here in Qianjie, try to express it clearly and cleanly.

When tasting coffee, it is sometimes described as "how clean this coffee bean is!" So what does this cleanliness mean?


In tasting coffee, one item is cleanliness, and many friends have a vague understanding of the word. Here in Qianjie, try to express it clearly. Cleanliness means that the main flavor of coffee is very clear and clear. There will be no miscellaneous smell, defective smell and other abrupt taste. The miscellaneous smell here means that the taste is very messy and unclear, which does not mean the same as the complex flavor. Defective flavors are bad flavors, such as wood, fishy grass and rotten fruit. Generally speaking, the higher the cleanliness, the better the quality of the coffee.


The cleanliness of washed coffee beans is higher than that of sun treated coffee beans.

This statement is not entirely true. The original sun treatment is simply drying and shelling the coffee fruit. during this process for more than half a month, there are many uncertain factors, such as insect ant disaster, excessive fermentation rot, insufficient sunlight mildew. These accidents will lead to defective taste and miscellaneous smell of coffee beans, and the cleanliness is naturally not high.

In order to deal with this situation, the Dutch took the lead in using a relatively new type of washing treatment compared to the sun. This treatment removes the peel, pulp and pectin, which are easy to over-ferment and attract insects, and coffee beans with only sheepskin are easier to dry, so the defective beans are greatly reduced, and the cleanliness of the coffee is naturally higher.


According to the current treatment standards, sun treatment can also achieve low defect rate and high quality. In terms of cleanliness, it is not comparable to that of washing treatment. Some friends may have a misunderstanding about cleanliness, thinking that the brighter the acid, the cleaner the coffee. In fact, this understanding is not correct.

As the end of the coffee chain, how can brewing improve the cleanliness of coffee?

The cleanliness of coffee is affected by planting, processing, roasting and brewing. As consumers, we can't interfere with the upstream influence, but we can make the coffee show good cleanliness by buying high-quality coffee beans and brewing them.


The first suggestion is to raise beans. Qianjie suggested that it would be better to taste the coffee beans about 4 days from the roasting date. Because freshly roasted coffee beans will have a "dry" feeling, this is the residual smoke smell of coffee beans roasted at high temperature, which needs to be removed after a period of ripening and carbon dioxide emissions, so the coffee raised by beans for a few days, the taste will be cleaner and the flavor will be highlighted.

The second suggestion is to inject water gently. In front of the street, many friends rushed out of the bitter taste because the water injection was stirred too hard. In fact, as long as the parameters are used accurately, gentle and slow circle injection of water can also extract the flavor substances of coffee, and there is no need to indulge in the technique of water injection too much.