Coffee review

Hand brewed coffee powder water ratio grinding degree time water temperature parameters recommended single coffee correct brewing method introduction

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Many friends came to visit Qianjie because of its fame. In addition to lamenting the variety of coffee beans in Qianjie, they also admired the brewing technology of the barista. There are also many friends who want to discuss the problem of hand brewing with baristas. So Qianjie also took this opportunity to talk about how to improve the coffee brewing level. Before that, the front street asked

Many friends came to visit Qianjie, not only lamenting the wide variety of coffee beans in Qianjie, but also admiring the barista's cooking skills. There are also many friends who want to discuss the problem of hand cooking with the barista. So Qianjie also took this opportunity to talk about how to improve the level of coffee brewing.

Before that, Qianjie asked everyone a question, "do you think making coffee is a manual skill or a mental one?"

If you think you are friends with manual skills, you still need to work hard to practice. Although Qianjie said that the control, circle and filling of hand-brewed coffee is very important, and it is indeed difficult to use at first, this is only the most basic part of hand-brewing coffee.


If the hands shake during water injection, the water flow is not vertical and the circle is not round, it must be that the practice time is not long enough. There are two main points to learn how to control water. The first point is to learn the correct posture and movements (please click here for details). The second point is to practice persistently to form muscle memory. After mastering the right method, if you do not go to practical practice, the knowledge will only stay on paper. If you can set aside 30 minutes a day to practice, you will be able to control the hand flushing water control technique in about 15 days. Of course, mastering the method of water injection can only show how you can make coffee. There is still a lack of understanding of the parameters until I have learned to make coffee by hand. How to understand the coffee brewing parameters such as grinding degree, ratio of powder to water, water temperature and time are the parameters that can not be bypassed in learning hand brewing coffee. We must understand the relationship between these parameters and how changing these parameters will lead to the direction of coffee flavor, and flexible use. For example, both grinding degree and water temperature can control the change of coffee taste, fine grinding degree or increasing water temperature can improve the extraction rate of coffee and make coffee bitter. Adjusting the grinding degree or lowering the water temperature can reduce the extraction rate of coffee and make the coffee more sour. But the degree of grinding is one layer more than the water temperature, it can also affect the parameter of time. The extraction time of fine ground coffee will be longer, while that of coarse ground coffee will be shorter. So when we adjust the parameters, we need to have a clear understanding of the changes that will occur after adjusting each parameter. (if you want to know more about the effect of brewing parameters on the taste of coffee, you can click here)


In hand-brewed coffee, there is a reasonable range of parameters, for example, the grindness is 70-80%, the water temperature is 86-93 degrees, and the powder-water ratio is between 1:13 and 1:18. The time (15 grams of powder) generally falls between 1 minute 40 seconds and 2 minutes 20 seconds. This is not to say that the parameters can not fall outside these ranges, but the scope summarized by Qianjie in many cooking practices can also be used for reference when adjusting the parameters. To recognize the characteristics of coffee beans, there are more than 50 kinds of coffee beans in front of the street. If each kind of coffee bean sets a different brewing parameter, then you need to remember how to make more than 50 kinds of coffee, which is too much for mental load. Therefore, in order to learn to brew a variety of coffee beans, we must understand the characteristics of coffee beans and sort them out. For example, according to coffee producing areas, coffee in a producing area will have the same flavor characteristics, such as Ethiopia, whether it is Yegashifi or Sidamo, its flavor is with citrus, berries and other flavors. Guatemala, both Antigua and Vivette Nango, has its unique smoky taste and distinct citrus acidity. Therefore, in terms of brewing parameters, these coffees with regional flavor characteristics can use the same set of brewing parameters. The second depends on the baking degree of coffee beans. The parameters used in medium-shallow roasting are obviously different from those used in medium-deep roasting. The flavor of medium-to-shallow roasted coffee beans is mainly acid, and the grinding degree can be fine (75-80% of No. 20 sieve pass rate) and higher water temperature (90-93 degrees). The flavor of coffee beans with medium and deep roasting degree is mainly bitter, and the grinding degree is thicker in brewing (70-75% pass rate of No. 20 sieve), and the water temperature is also lower (86-89 degrees). When you come across a new bean and don't know how to cook it, you can also click here for reference. Recording every cooking parameter tends to stumble when looking for the right way. So we have to record the parameters every time we brew, and then judge whether these parameters are reasonable or not, and then find out the parameters that need to be improved by tasting coffee. In Qianjie, for example, when brewing a kind of red honey-treated Yega Chuefei coffee, the parameters first used in Qianjie are "15g coffee powder, 80% grindness, 1:15 powder-to-water ratio, 91 degrees water temperature, three-stage water injection: the first stage of water injection 30ml steaming for 30 seconds, the second stage of 100ml, and the third stage of 95ml. Record the brewing time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. "by tasting the coffee, the flavor is ginger, berries, cream, the second half has the taste of nuts and cocoa (more bitter), Qianjie thinks that this taste is not comfortable, by judgment, this bitter taste may be relatively fine grinding, resulting in coffee soaking for too long. Therefore, the grinding degree is adjusted to 75% of the screening rate during the second cooking in Qianjie, the other parameters remain the same, and the final cooking time is 1 minute and 55 seconds. By tasting the flavor is ginger flowers, citrus, berries, oolong tea.


When adjusting the parameters, keep in mind that you can only adjust one parameter at a time, because only in this way can we know what the coffee flavor will be like when you adjust this parameter, which is convenient for recording and analysis. Coffee making is a course that relies heavily on the accumulation of knowledge and understanding. With the right amount of powder, the right degree of grinding, the right water temperature, the right proportion, and brewing the coffee in the right time, you can make a good coffee. What we need to learn is how to use the correct parameters!