Coffee review

Flavor characteristics and taste of Limpopo coffee beans in Mulanka, Muranga, Kenya

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mulanka producing area Muranga is located in Mount MountKenya of Kenya, and Mulanka Muranga producing area is close to Neri Neyri producing area. It has fertile volcanic soil and provides sufficient nutrients for coffee planting. There are two rainy seasons every year, usually from March to April and November.

Kenya Minister of State for Planning National Development and Vision 2030 |  abinani

Mulanka production area Muranga

Located in Mount Mount Kenya of Kenya, the Mulanka Muranga producing area is close to the Neri Neyri producing area. It has fertile volcanic soil and provides sufficient nutrients for coffee planting. There are two rainy seasons every year, usually in March-April and November-December, with plenty of rainfall, so coffee trees do not need additional artificial irrigation.

Mulanka production area has a number of raw coffee processing plants, farmers grow their own coffee production is not large, so their own fresh coffee cherries will be harvested and taken to the nearest processing plant.

Kangurumai a volcanic coffee from Muranga at 1,600m from smallholders in the foothills of the Aberdare mountain range south of Nyeri, Kenya.

The Kangunu Cooperative is located in the Kangma Kangema area of Muranga, Mulanca County, at an altitude of between 1600 and 1750 meters. There are more than 2,000 coffee cooperatives nearby. All the coffee cherries are harvested and freshly processed on the same day, and the quality of the coffee produced enjoys a high reputation in the local area. In addition, Kangunu cooperatives and producers have been certified by the Rainforest Alliance and will take some environmental measures to reduce the environmental impact of coffee cultivation.

Kangurumai 来自 Muranga 1,600m 的火山咖啡

Treatment method

The Kangunu cooperative peels the harvested coffee cherries and soaks them in water, allowing the mucus of the pectin layer to ferment for 24 hours, a process that removes 90 per cent of the pectin. Then enter the second stage of washing, the washed coffee beans continue to soak in the sink for 24-48 hours, and then remove the remaining pectin again. Finally, it takes 5-10 days to dry in the sun on a high bed. This is Kenya's unique 72-hour washing, also known as K72 washing.


Raw coffee beans

The Kangunu cooperative Limpopo coffee beans in front of the street are selected from Kenya's AA grade coffee. AA refers to raw beans with a particle size of 17-18 mesh and strict control over defective beans.

Lin Bobo contains three varieties of coffee, SL28,SL34,Batian.

SL refers to the Scott laboratory in Kenya Scott Laboratories,20 in the 1930s, a large number of coffee berry disease broke out in Kenyan coffee trees, so Scott laboratory was entrusted by the government to cultivate new disease-resistant varieties. Among the research and development achievements, No. 28 and No. 34 have strong disease resistance and outstanding flavor. So farmers began to plant a wide range of two varieties.

Breeding for disease resistance of coffee in Kenya has been going on for many years, and Batian is one of the new varieties developed and released in 2010. Coffee is highly tolerant to disease, so it has a high yield and elegant flavor. In recent years, the cultivation of Batian has become more and more common in Kenya.


Front street coffee: Kenya Limpopo coffee beans

Producing area: Kangunu Cooperative in Muranga producing area of Kenya

Altitude: 1600-1750 m

Variety: SL28 SL34 Batian

Grade: AA

Treatment: washing

Flavor: dried Hawthorn berries and plums

Cooking reference

This Kenyan coffee is washed and has a unique fruit flavor, and the front street uses light roasting to retain more of the fruit aroma of the coffee. Through the cup test, Qianjie felt that the acidity of this Limpopo coffee was very outstanding, with the acidity of dark fruits such as plums, Hawthorns and Brin, and the high sweetness of dried fruits.

Filter cup: V60 water temperature: 90-91 °C powder quantity: 15g powder-water ratio: 1:15 Grinding degree: fine sugar size (80% sieve with No. 20 sieve)


Staged extraction: use 30 grams of water for steaming for 30 seconds, small water flow around the circle to 124 grams for sectional injection, water level drop is about to expose the powder bed, continue water injection to 228 grams to stop water injection, and so the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed to remove the filter cup, (steaming starts timing) the extraction time is 1 kilogram 39th 55 ".

The hand-brewed Limpopo coffee has the acidity of Hawthorn and black brine, the sweetness of dried fruit when the temperature drops, and the taste is solid.

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