Coffee review

How do you make sweet-scented osmanthus latte? Introduction to the extraction method of Italian espresso with sweet-scented osmanthus

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today in Qianjie, I would like to introduce to you a fun and delicious coffee practice. Is to add sweet-scented osmanthus to the espresso powder to extract. Why Osmanthus fragrans? Sweet-scented osmanthus is full of very fragrant flowers, we will not reject this aroma, and sweet-scented osmanthus as a food is a more mature product, such as sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Today in Qianjie, I would like to introduce to you a fun and delicious coffee practice. Is to add sweet-scented osmanthus to the espresso powder to extract.


Why Osmanthus fragrans? Sweet-scented osmanthus is full of very fragrant flowers, we will not reject this aroma, and sweet-scented osmanthus as a food is a more mature product, such as sweet-scented osmanthus cake, sweet-scented osmanthus tea will use sweet-scented osmanthus as raw materials. In the flavor of coffee beans, there is also a description of sweet-scented osmanthus. Many sweet-scented osmanthus-flavored coffee drinks are made from coffee liquid mixed with sweet-scented osmanthus condiments. Since the sweet-scented osmanthus itself has its own obvious fragrance, if you add it to the coffee powder and extract it, you may be able to feel the flavor of the sweet-scented osmanthus in the coffee liquid. How many sweet-scented osmanthus are added? Let's talk about the choice of sweet-scented osmanthus in front of the street. first of all, if you have a kind of sweet-scented osmanthus at home, do not directly pick the flowers and use them, because fresh sweet-scented osmanthus cannot be eaten directly and need to be dried before they can be eaten. Specific practices can be found online to find answers. Of course, dried sweet-scented osmanthus can be easily bought on the shopping platform, and a large bag can be bought for more than ten yuan.


Adding sweet-scented osmanthus to coffee powder does not want the taste of sweet-scented osmanthus, but just wants us to feel the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus in the coffee we drink. In fact, sweet-scented osmanthus water is actually not much flavor, more is the fragrance of flowers. So the amount added can ensure that there is a hint of sweet-scented osmanthus in the coffee. Flower fragrance this kind of smell, light will feel elegant and comfortable, rich will feel pungent and uncomfortable. In addition, sweet-scented osmanthus will affect the density structure of coffee pressed powder, so it is not the more the better. After many tests in Qianjie, it is more appropriate to add 0.3-0.5g dried sweet-scented osmanthus to 20g coffee. How to extract? The density and volume of sweet-scented osmanthus is quite different from that of coffee powder, and there may be the risk of channel effect in the process of extraction. Therefore, Qianjie is going to test which extraction method is better. The first way to put the sweet-scented osmanthus on the surface is to pour the coffee powder into a powder bowl, gently smooth it, then sprinkle the dried sweet-scented osmanthus on the coffee powder surface, and then use a powder hammer to compact the pressed powder.


It is very stable in the process of extraction and there is no channel effect. The extracted espresso can smell sweet-scented osmanthus. Observe the extracted pressed powder, the surface structure is intact, pressed powder emits a very fragrant sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance.


The espresso is made into a hot American style in proportion, which can drink a touch of sweet-scented osmanthus, which is very comfortable. Hot lattes are made in proportion to espresso, while the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus is obscured by milk. Second: put the sweet-scented osmanthus at the bottom of this extraction method is to first spread the dried sweet-scented osmanthus on the powder bowl, in the coffee powder, cloth powder and pressing powder after the step of extraction. In the process of extraction, on the whole, it is relatively stable, and some of them appear the phenomenon of slight perforation (channel effect). The extraction time is basically the same. The extracted espresso has obvious aroma of osmanthus fragrance. Observe the extracted pressed powder, the bottom of the sweet-scented osmanthus is not separated, and pressed powder form a whole.


Made into American and latte coffee, you can feel the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus.


Third: sweet-scented osmanthus and coffee powder mix this way is to mix coffee powder and dried sweet-scented osmanthus into the powder bowl, do the steps of cloth powder and pressing powder and then extract.


In the process of extraction, the flow rate of coffee liquid is unstable in the middle stage, accompanied by slight ejection (channel effect). The extraction time is slightly faster by 1-2 seconds. When observing the coffee powder layer, we can see that there are cracks in pressed powder, although it is not very serious, but also see that sweet-scented osmanthus in the coffee powder will affect its density structure, more prone to channel effect.


When made into American coffee, the coffee will taste sour because of the channel effect and the shorter extraction time. The coffee made into latte will be a little lighter. But both can taste sweet-scented osmanthus. From the experimental results, the extraction effect of sweet-scented osmanthus on the bottom is better, and the extraction method of sweet-scented osmanthus on the surface is more stable. You can give it a try, it's really amazing!