Coffee review

Hand flushing water injection method three-stage step process three-stage suitable for what coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The method of water injection has always been the focus of discussion among hand coffee lovers, and friends who are familiar with Qianjie all know that Qianjie has been using the three-stage method of water injection. Some friends may have doubts that this XX coffee bean tastes better when brewed with YY. Why don't you optimize it? Use a different water injection side

The method of water injection has always been the focus of discussion among hand coffee lovers, and friends who are familiar with Qianjie all know that Qianjie has been using the three-stage method of water injection. Some friends may have doubts that this XX coffee bean tastes better when brewed with YY. Why don't you optimize it?

The use of different water injection methods can indeed make the flavor of coffee different, and there are some brewing methods that perform very well for a particular coffee bean. Three-stage water injection may not be the best way to show the flavor of coffee, but it must be the most applicable and simplest method to flush out the flavor of coffee powder.


Friends who have been to Qianjie stores should be shocked by the rich beans in Qianjie. There are more than 50 kinds of coffee beans produced by a single store on Qianjie Street. If you want to tailor a set of water injection methods for these coffee beans, you need at least seven to eight different water filling methods. Therefore, a set of water injection method which can take into account most coffee beans is very important. The three-stage style is a water injection method which is compatible with shallow roasting, medium baking and deep roasting coffee beans to strike a balance between flavor and taste. The key point is to be friendly to novices, easy to use, and adapt to the vast majority of coffee beans. Qianjie first briefly introduces the three-stage water injection method, as the name says, the three-stage water injection is divided into three stages of water injection. It includes the stifling water injection of the first stage and the extraction water injection of the following two stages.


The proportion of powder and water mainly affects the distribution of water injection. Taking 15 grams of powder as an example, the proportion of water in the front street at 1:15 will use the water ratio of the first 30ml (steaming), the second 100ml, and the third 95ml. Using the proportion of 1:16, Qianjie will use the water ratio of the first 30ml (steaming), the second 120ml, and the third 90ml. The advantage of the three-stage style is why it is very suitable for beginners to use. This is because for beginners, the size of the current is often difficult to grasp. If you choose the one-size-fits-all method, after steaming, the remaining water beans are injected into the filter cup at one time, then the faster water injection leads to shorter extraction time or slower water injection leads to long extraction time, so you can only stare and there is no remedy.


The three-stage formula is to increase the opportunity of observation, when the end of the second stage of water injection, we can observe the decline rate of the water level, and the corresponding time to calculate whether the total extraction time is reasonable. If it is found that the early water injection flow is relatively large and the powder layer is lifted relatively high, then the third section needs to use a small flow to inject water slowly to ensure the extraction time. If you find that the second stage of water injection takes too much time. Then the third stage of water injection needs to increase the flow of water to avoid extraction time is too long.


So why not divide it into more segments? wouldn't there be more opportunities for judgment? Because this involves the timing of water injection, the more the number of segments, the more time nodes need to be judged, so the instability of cooking will be greatly increased. Therefore, strive for stability, easy to learn, high versatility, divided into three sections is a more ideal result. In the three-stage type, only the third stage needs to judge the time of water injection, because the second stage begins water injection after 30 seconds of steaming, that is, the second stage of water injection is basically fixed in 30 seconds (according to the length of steaming time). The third paragraph needs to be judged from the actual situation. If you want to know the timing of water injection in the third paragraph, you can click on this link, "judging the timing of water injection by stages"!


Three-stage water injection can show the flavor, hierarchy and taste of most coffee beans. For coffee beans with different roasting degrees, you only need to adjust the water temperature and grinding degree of these two parameters. Medium and shallow roasted coffee beans use a water temperature of 90-93 degrees Celsius, hand-washed fine grinding (the pass rate of screen 20 is 75-80%), and medium-deep roasted coffee beans use a water temperature of 86-89 degrees Celsius and grind by hand (70-75% of screen 20).