Coffee review

The story of Mellita Melita hand filter cup introduces the characteristics and functions of V60 cake filter cup fan-shaped filter cup.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Filter cup is now a necessary coffee utensils in hand-brewed coffee, which can be said to be the symbol of hand-brewed coffee. Now the shape of the filter cup is so many, and according to the publicity of each filter cup, it has its own characteristics, such as this filter cup can make the coffee sweeter, and that filter cup can make the coffee more fragrant. In the end, it turned into what I wanted to rush.

Filter cup is now a necessary coffee utensils in hand-brewed coffee, which can be said to be the symbol of hand-brewed coffee. Now the shape of the filter cup is so many, and according to the publicity of each filter cup, it has its own characteristics, such as this filter cup can make the coffee sweeter, and that filter cup can make the coffee more fragrant.

In the end, I used this filter cup if I wanted to make it sweeter, and I used that filter cup if I wanted to make it sweeter. In the end, I bought a filter cup that could fill a cupboard. So back to the fundamental question, does the filter cup really have that great influence on the flavor of coffee brewing?


Before you understand this question, you might as well think about one more question, that is, why the world's first coffee filter cup is trapezoidal (fan-shaped)? The first filter cup was the Mellita filter cup, which was officially put into production in 1912, after four years of improvement.


Many people will focus on the design of the filter cup, in fact, the state of the filter cup is limited by the process of the filter paper. Before the emergence of filter paper, there have been coffee filters, such as flannel, metal filter, but the filtering effect of these filters is not good, after filtering the coffee is still left with less coffee grounds. One day in 1906, Mrs. Mellita, who was drinking coffee, saw her son's blotting paper and had the idea that if the coffee grounds were filtered out, she might get a clean coffee liquid. So she took a brass cup, poked a few holes in the bottom, and covered it with blotting paper to filter the coffee. See here, you should understand that the main function of the filter cup is to hold the filter paper, filter paper is the main filter apparatus. At that time, she found an obvious problem, that is, although the ink-absorbing paper has good water permeability, it is very difficult for the encapsulated filter paper to stick to the cylindrical filter, making the coffee liquid flow in a direction that is easy to flow (that is, the channel effect we are talking about now); and when part of the filter paper is hollowed out, it is easy to burst the filter paper when there is too much water. So make a filter that fits the filter paper to hold the filter paper. Not making the popular single-hole conical filter cup is also because the blotting paper is so soft that nothing at the bottom will fall off. So it is finally improved that the bottom is zigzag, the top is large oval, and the side observation is a trapezoidal filter cup.


But there is still a problem, the filter cup is too close, so that the water can not flow down. So we have to make improvements, that is, the ribs protruding from the inner wall of the filter cup, the function of these ribs is to prop up the filter paper, do not let the filter paper stick to the filter cup, so that the launching speed can be improved. Then it was found that there was a defect. It turned out that the bottom of the filter cup was designed with a single hole, just like "millions of male troops crossing a single wooden bridge", which could only pass through bit by bit, and the launching speed was very slow. So later, there are 2 holes, 3 holes, 4 holes and other versions, in order to speed up the launching speed.


See here, we should find that no matter what the shape of the filter cup, nothing more than to pay attention to two points, launching speed and diversion performance. This is reflected in the size (area) of the sewer hole and the distribution of the ribs. So how much is the difference between two filter cups with different sewer holes and ribs to make the same type of coffee? A comparison was made on the previous street, and the distribution of the two types of filter cups were V60 and Kono short bone version filter cups. V60 is characterized by fast launching and not easy to clog, while Kono is characterized by slow flow rate and high Body. When using the same parameters for extraction, V60 filter cup takes 1 minute 55 seconds, Kono filter cup takes 2 minutes 20 seconds. In addition, in the same way of water injection, the powder walls of Kono filter cups are washed onto the powder bed.


Compared with the taste, the Kono filter cup rushed to the coffee, obviously full-bodied, the taste of the two cups of coffee is in an acceptable range. Qianjie said in the previous article that the control time to parameters can be adjusted in terms of grinding degree, hand punching technique and proportion. We can understand that yesterday Qianjie talked about the six main parameters of hand-brewed coffee, but today's filter cup is also a parameter, but compared with those six, it has less impact on the flavor of coffee. If the filter cup parameter is taken into account, six parameters need to be adjusted to suit the filter cup, such as properly thickening the coffee grinding. After the front street, thicken the grinding degree by 1 large scale, and make the circle smaller when injecting water, so as to avoid flushing off the powder wall. The extraction time of the coffee is 2 minutes and 03 seconds, and it is very similar in flavor and taste, and there is not much difference. Therefore, from the structure of the filter cup to understand, we can more clearly understand the characteristics and functions of each filter cup. And the filter cup will not have much effect on the coffee flavor, in many cases, it can be expressed by adjusting the parameters, but this must be based on the premise that you really understand the coffee parameters.