Coffee review

How to extract single espresso from soe characteristics and production methods of light-roasted soe coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, A friend wanted to talk about how to extract SOE (medium and shallow baked beans) in front of the street before. If you copy the usual scheme to extract, it may not taste good. But no matter what kind of coffee beans, its extraction idea is the same, that is to find ways to extract the good flavor of this coffee while avoiding negative ones.

A friend wanted to talk about how to extract SOE (medium and shallow baked beans) in front of the street before. If you copy the usual scheme to extract, it may not taste good. But no matter what kind of coffee beans, its extraction idea is the same, that is to find ways to extract the good flavor of this coffee, while avoiding negative flavor.

Does light baking SOE taste sour? In the past, there were many arguments that shallow baked beans were not suitable for espresso, would be acerbic and would be very bad. Indeed, espresso made from light-roasted beans is more sour than deep-roasted ones, which is based on the degree of roasting. Another point is that the espresso extraction scheme is fixed. In hand brewing, the brewing parameters of light-roasted and deep-roasted coffee beans are distinguished. In Italian, it is also reasonable to extract based on common schemes, and the appearance of sharp sour taste is also reasonable. If you want to extract a good espresso, you need a clear train of thought. A clear purpose is one thing that many friends do not understand, that is, what do you use to extract this espresso, whether to drink it directly, to mix it with water, or to add milk. This will affect the whole extraction plan, such as drinking directly, espresso needs to be softer; if mixed with water, espresso needs to be more comprehensive; if milk is added, espresso needs to be stronger.


Then why don't you pay attention to this when you deep-bake coffee beans? In fact, it is also important to pay attention to, but very often one parameter is consistent with three types of drinks, so there is no need to come up with 2-3 sets of extraction programs, which is why espresso should be made with medium-and deep-roasted beans, because it is easy to worry. First apply the extraction formula or use the same set of standard formula as the usual research grinding, this formula is the ratio of powder to liquid at 1:2, time 25-30 seconds. The reason for using this formula first is to determine a degree of grinding first, although a micro-survey may be needed later, but the difference in degree of grinding is not too outrageous. (if you usually use medium and deep roasted spaghetti beans, then the grind light soe basically has a fine grinding scale, such as the warm sun matching grinding scale for daily use in front street is 2.1. the same powder ratio is also compared to time, and the grinding degree for light roasting Kenyan coffee is 1.6. And because of the density change caused by baking, the volume of light-baked coffee powder of the same weight will be less than that of deep-baked coffee powder. Therefore, you should also determine the final amount of powder according to the capacity of your powder bowl. )


According to the flavor and purpose to adjust the coffee extracted by the general formula, there is no big problem in grinding and flow rate. If there is a problem with the flavor, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine. For example, the most common problem is that it is too acerbic and the rhyme is too short. Generally speaking, this problem is best solved. First, observe whether the flow rate of the grinding degree is reasonable. For example, the first drop of coffee liquid comes out in a few seconds. If 4-5 seconds, you can adjust the grinding degree properly. If it is 7-8 seconds, then you do not need to adjust it.


The next step is to extend the amount of extraction, which is usually extended by 10-15g. Because the sharp acid and short aftertaste of coffee liquid is mainly due to the low extraction rate of coffee beans, increasing the amount of coffee extraction will make the taste of espresso less exciting, gradually balanced and highlight sweetness. Of course, this method will reduce the concentration of coffee, which is generally suitable for drinking directly or mixing water to make American style. For example, in Qianjie, the extraction parameters of Kenyan coffee beans are 20.6g to extract 55g coffee liquid for 34 seconds, drink directly with the sweet taste of berries, and make American plums and tomato sour. When making milk coffee, the grinding degree is mostly adjusted to finer to make up for the problem of low extraction rate. Follow-up adjustments should not be framed by the data through the formula, even if the extraction time is more than 30 seconds, the milk coffee is good. This is to solve the problem of insufficient coffee flavor in soe milk coffee. If there is a sour feeling in milk coffee, it still needs to extend the amount of extraction to solve.


The second common problem is the unpleasant taste of coffee liquid extracted by formula, such as grass, almond, scorched bitterness and so on. It is best to use the method of one divided into three to test the problem. If the target coffee liquid extracted is 40g, then we will use three cups to catch about 13g each of the front, middle and rear coffee liquid. Taste which of the three cups of coffee has an unpleasant taste, if only in the latter part, then only need to reduce the amount of extraction. If you have the first or three cups, you need to adjust the degree of grinding.


The third problem is that the coffee liquid is too light and tasteless. This is a problem reflected by many friends in Qianjie. Qianjie also summed up some problems, that is, most friends think that the Italian grinding degree is a fixed value, as long as a bean adjusted scale, other coffee beans can also be used. In fact, this is not the case, so if there is a problem that the coffee liquid is too light and thin, the degree of grinding is generally not accurate. Of course, if you want light-baked soe beans to compare with the traditional Italian deep-baked beans, it can't be compared.