Coffee review

Do different filter cups need to be flushed with different hands? How long is the best extraction time for making coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yesterday, a friend had a question, because he had a long-term concern about Qianjie's articles, and he would pay more attention to the brewing parameters when brewing. He saw that the brewing time of Qianjie was recommended to be 2 minutes in the article, and he used the parameters of Qianjie in the article to suggest that the brewing time was more than 2 minutes, falling at about 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

Yesterday, a friend had a question, because he had a long-term concern about Qianjie's articles, and he would pay more attention to the brewing parameters when brewing. He saw that the brewing time of Qianjie in the article would be recommended to be 2 minutes, while he used the parameters of Qianjie in the article to suggest that the brewing time was more than 2 minutes, falling at about 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

After some confirmation, it turns out that this friend uses a flat-bottomed cake filter cup, which is different from the V60 used in Qianjie. Then, the friend then asked, "then the filter cup is different. Should I change the parameters and the method of brewing again? what is the right brewing time?"


How does coffee behave with different filter cups? According to the shape characteristics of the filter cup, it is mainly divided into trapezoid (fan), cone, flat bottom (cake). As for the construction of cooking parameters, it mainly depends on the launching speed. Some filter cups are characterized by fast flow rate to create a rich flavor performance. The representative filter cups are V60 and its derivatives, ice pupil, Origami, Chuanliu, Xingmang and B75 filter cup.


Some filter cups are characterized by slow flow rate and uniform extraction of coffee powder by soaking, showing a balanced and full flavor. The representative filter cup includes fan-shaped filter cup, Kono filter cup, infinite filter cup and flat bottom filter cup (the launching speed mainly depends on the total area of the water hole).


The following is the order of launching speed of some common filter cups tested in the front street. You can refer to: B75 > Chuanliu ≥ star awn > ice pupil > V60 ≥ Origami > flat bottom cake (3 holes) > Kono > Kalita sector (3 holes) > infinite filter cup > Mellita sector (single hole)


Back to the original question, if I use a flat-bottomed cake filter cup and use the brewing parameters of the V60 filter cup, is it appropriate? do I need to change the parameters or punching method? With the same parameters, using different filter cups, the flavor of coffee will be different. Take V60 and cake filter cup as a comparison. Huakui coffee is used in the front street. The parameters are also 15g powder, 91 degrees water temperature, 80% grindness of No. 20 sieve pass rate, 1:15 powder-water ratio, and three-stage water injection.


The extraction time of V60 filter cup is 2 minutes and 05 seconds, and that of cake filter cup (3 holes) is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. In terms of flavor, the performance with V60 is fruity, berry juice, sour and lively, and the aftertaste of black tea.


The performance of the cake filter cup is full of sweet and sour berries, obvious sweetness, creamy smoothness, and a fermented fruit aroma in the finish. Therefore, this cooking parameter can be applied to both V60 filter cup and cake filter cup. And to judge the coffee by the specific extraction time, the filter cup is a great limiting factor. As Qianjie said, "the extraction time had better be controlled at about 2 minutes, not more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds". This is based on 15g minutes, three-stage water injection, V60 filter cup, replaced by a slower flow rate of the filter cup, then the extraction time will be extended accordingly. So what will be the flavor performance by adjusting the parameters and controlling the extraction time at 2 minutes? Qianjie controls the extraction time of the cake filter cup at 2 minutes by means of thickening the grinding degree and water injection. The flavor is obviously sour and the overall taste is light and balanced. Therefore, we are not adjusting the parameters for the sake of the parameters. The reason for adjusting the parameters is that we are not satisfied with the current coffee flavor and taste, so we can achieve the goal of good taste by adjusting the parameters. If the coffee brewed out in 2 minutes and 30 seconds tastes good, then we naturally have no reason to adjust the parameters or techniques.