Coffee review

The process of making coffee with ice hand

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the heat of summer, many guests would like to have a pot of iced coffee that is cooler and cooler than warm coffee. So this article, Qianjie will bring the way of making ice hand coffee! We can choose the amount of ice we use according to our preferred concentration, because the ice will dilute the concentration.


In the heat of summer, many guests would like to have a pot of iced coffee that is cooler and cooler than warm coffee. So this article, Qianjie will bring the way of making ice hand coffee!

We can choose the amount of ice according to our preferred concentration, because the ice will dilute the concentration, we will reduce the powder-to-water ratio of coffee to achieve a lower temperature without reducing its flavor. Here is a cooking plan in the front street: choose a favorite bean to take 15g, and the ratio of powder to ice to water is-1:6:10, which translates to 15g of beans, about 100g of ice, and 150ml of water.


1. We will grind the powder out with a slightly finer scale than the usual hot hand grinding. (the beans used in the front street are Asalia of Kenya, and the bean grinder is EK43S with a grinding degree of 9.5.)


two。 First put the ice in the sharing pot below, put the filter paper in the filter cup, and then pour the ground coffee powder into the filter cup.


3. This time, the filter cup used in the front street is V60. Pour 15g coffee powder into the filter cup with wet filter paper. When the water temperature reaches 91-93 °C, place the filter cup on top of the coffee pot and brew it. Start to pour twice the amount of water into the coffee powder, that is, 30ml, and stew for 30 seconds.


4. After stewing, gradually spread out from the center to inject water into the circle, and inject the first section of water into the 100ml.


5. When the water level is about to reach the bottom, carry out the second stage of boiling, inject 50ml water into the center and draw a small circle in the filter cup until the water injection is finished.


6. Remove the filter cup after the water infiltration and filtration, shake the coffee pot so that the ice water is perfectly mixed, and then pour it into the cup and begin to drink.


