Coffee review

How to make your own espresso iced latte? What is the right proportion of iced milk coffee?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, When asked by a guest what to do with an iced latte, Qianjie replied: it's very simple, just like "how to put an elephant in the refrigerator." it's divided into three steps: ice, milk and coffee. I'm just kidding. In fact, what this friend wants to ask is, why did you use the same type of coffee beans?


When asked by guests how to make an iced latte, Front Street replied: It's very simple, just like "How to put an elephant in the refrigerator", divided into three steps, ice, milk, coffee, and done.

Just kidding, in fact, what this friend wants to ask should be, why obviously used the same coffee beans, but also referred to the front street to give graphic teaching, at home or can not make the taste of ice latte in the store. In that case, front street today to teach you a set of homemade ice latte unique tips bar!


Stable and reasonable Italian concentrated extraction Many times, the reason why we can't make a delicious iced latte at home is because the supercharging function of the coffee machine is not up to standard.


Although there is no big difference between a commercial machine of ten thousand yuan (even hundreds of thousands) and a household coffee machine of several thousand yuan in common functions, the concentrated quality extracted by equipment with five or six thousand and one or two thousand prices has a visible difference. A friend in the front street once used a "toy machine" with a pressure of only 3~4bar as a standard pressurized coffee machine. The concentrate that comes out drinks all water directly, presumably add milk to make latte will be very weak. You know, for home coffee machines, the choice of machine determines the difficulty of making coffee, the lower the extraction performance (unstable), the more difficult it is for coffee to fully release flavor substances. Therefore, if you want to successfully copy the iced latte sold in the store, you must have a qualified supercharged coffee machine (pressure up to 9bar), such as Huijia 310. If you are still pursuing the delicate golden oil of Espresso, Qianjie feels that it is necessary to equip a special Italian bean grinder to achieve better results.


Coffee beans determine the flavor trend of iced lattes. Whether it is a dark, comprehensive, deep-baked blend or a medium-light baked SOE with sour taste, when choosing Italian beans, you should first consider whether the concentrate it makes matches the milk, and whether the flavor will be masked by the milk. As for the choice of milk, you can also refer to the milk evaluation done in the front street to choose milk products that meet your budget and taste preferences. For example, the front street store uses sunflower warm sun mixed with coffee beans made from Ethiopian sun red cherries and Honduran sherry barrels. Moderate roasting makes it show the sweetness of cream chocolate and fruit, and makes it into ice latte with wine fragrance, vanilla, cream and chocolate flavor.


There are small partners to reflect to the street, their own extract of the concentrate has a lot of rough foam, this is the coffee beans are too fresh, this concentrate often drink up the flavor of the general. From the experience of Qianjie Street, it is best to keep the Italian coffee beans in the shade for 7 to 10 days, and drink the best flavor within 50 days. According to taste, find out the "golden ratio" between concentrate and milk. First, the quality of espresso directly affects the flavor of iced latte. For example, when concentrated extract appears burnt bitterness, even if milk is added, it is difficult to mask its negative taste. In fact, it is not difficult to get a reasonable shot. It is nothing more than to find suitable parameters by increasing or decreasing the amount of powder, adjusting the grinding degree, etc. Take the basic formula used in the front street, the ratio of powder to liquid is 1:2, the time is 26~30 seconds, and there is no abnormality in the extraction process (coffee splashing, unstable flow rate).


For tutorials on making iced lattes, Front Street usually does not give an exact ratio value, but falls in the approximate range, coffee: milk =1:4~1:8. This is because everyone uses different coffee beans, different extraction parameters, milk may also be different, even if the same proportion is used, the taste of iced latte will still be different, can not be generalized. When using dark, nutty, deep-baked Italian beans, the concentrate usually shows a strong, heavy bitterness. We can add a large proportion of milk to maintain a balanced taste of coffee, such as the 1:5 ratio of coffee to milk when the street is warm. If you think 1:5 is bitter, continue to increase the milk until it meets your taste.


When the beans are roasted light floral fruit acid type, the taste of the concentrate itself tends to be soft, too much milk will only cover up the coffee aroma, it may be appropriate to reduce the proportion of milk. For example, when Qianjie uses its own roasted hole plus coffee beans to extract SOE latte, the ratio of coffee to milk falls to 1:4, which tastes like butter biscuit aroma. When the ice is not paying attention, immediately extract the concentrate and pour it in. As the main component of ice latte, ice has only one function, which is to add ice flavor to coffee. Instead of deciding how much ice to add, focus on how quickly the ice melts. Once the ice melts, it will dilute the whole cup of milk coffee, not only will the coffee taste gradually become less and less, but the taste will also become more and more watery.


When it doesn't pay attention, immediately turn on the camera, focus ~ click ~ In order to avoid this situation, the front street will use the harder old ice products, try to shorten the ice and milk at the same time stay in the glass time. The extracted coffee solution is gently poured into the cup at the first time, and the golden oil will float on the upper layer, while the dark coffee solution will flow down along the wall of the cup, forming a dirty effect like dirty.

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Front Street Cafe

No.10 Baoanqian Street, Yandun Road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
