Coffee review

I heard that the amount of beans in the Italian bean grinder will affect the concentrated state.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Friends in many coffee shops often ask why beans in bean stores are often asked to be close to full. Does this have any different effect? This is about to mention this trapezoidal structure device that can often be seen on Italian bean grinders. The trapezoidal canopy is located above the bean grinding cutter head. Look at it.

Many coffee shop friends often ask why the beans in the bean warehouse are often required to be filled to near full, and what different effect will this have?


This brings us to the trapezoidal structure of the device that is often found in Italian bean grinders. The trapezoidal canopy sits above the bean-grinding wheel, and it doesn't look like it was built in as a decoration, after all, a pound of beans would bury it.


In fact, the main function of this trapezoidal device is to control the pressure change of the full-capacity bean bin. But it does not have a specific name, so some friends will ask: what is this warehouse pressure, and what kind of control method is this device?

What is bin pressure is that when you have a certain amount of coffee beans in the bean bin, the weight will accumulate downward, creating pressure, and the beans to be ground will enter a compressed state. This allows the beans to be cut equally evenly, resulting in fine particles of uniform size.


But as the coffee beans decrease, the pressure will gradually decrease. Grind under no pressing pressure (for example, there is only enough coffee beans in the bean bin), and you can see that the moment the beans touch the cutter, they are affected by torque and then torn, and then squeezed to produce a small range of bounce. This is the "jumping bean". Because bouncing causes the beans to grind to varying degrees, the resulting particles are not as uniform as they would be with bean pressure.


This trapezoidal device is to stabilize the warehouse pressure when there are many beans, so that the bean warehouse will not reduce the pressure with the decrease of beans when more beans are added. Because only the beans below the device exert pressure on the beans to be ground, and the pressure exerted by the beans above the device all accumulates on the device. When the beans begin to be ground, the beans above the device will be replenished along with the pressure, and because it is an umbrella, there will be no flat dead angle, and naturally there will be no beans stuck above the phenomenon. This setting is designed to allow coffee shops to produce cups quickly and continuously while maintaining quality.


At this point, Qianjie directly carried out an experiment to solve the puzzle: using the same beans, under the same scale, extract the same liquid weight, but using different states of the bean bin (full and not full), see if the coffee flavor will produce different. Italian coffee beans: warm sun blend weight: 20g extraction liquid: 40ml first is the extraction under the full state, extraction to 40ml takes 32 seconds. Tasting experience is warm sun blend unique whiskey aroma and fruit sweetness, mellow taste. Then there is the extraction under the non-full state, which takes 29 seconds to extract 40ml. Tasting experience is also whisky aroma and fruit sweetness, relatively speaking, the body will be thinner.


Therefore, we know that in the case of not full, the reduction of bean pressure does affect the grinding and extraction of coffee beans, but it is very subtle. If it is not a coffee shop that needs continuous cups, it is just like a friend who has been addicted to mouth at home. It is completely possible to ignore this detail, and the amount of beans needed for extraction can be added each time. This allows the beans that are not stored in the bean bin to have a longer freshness and then extend the peak taste period.

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Front Street Cafe

No.10 Baoanqian Street, Yandun Road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province
