Coffee review

How to flush the new strange coffee beans so that they won't turn over?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, Every time they buy a brand new coffee bean, many friends will be confused about the way it is cooked, and they don't know where to start, what kind of water temperature to use, what kind of grinding. Especially for some expensive beans, once they are not flushed, it will be a big loss! So, the front street will be divided.

Every time they buy a brand new coffee bean, many friends will be confused about the way it is cooked, and they don't know where to start, what kind of water temperature to use, what kind of grinding. Especially for some expensive beans, once they are not flushed, it will be a big loss! So, Qianjie will share how to make a preliminary cooking plan in the face of these strange beans.


There may be many friends who will do this: try and error the coffee beans step by step, try every grinding, every water temperature, every proportion, and a variety of different combinations. Yes, but this idea will increase the complexity of the cooking scheme, so the first thing we need to do is to simplify the cooking framework.


When we simplify the cooking idea and consider only the most influential parameters, we will be able to work out a better cooking plan faster in the face of brand-new coffee beans. Friends who arrive at the store can see more than 30 different kinds of coffee beans on the blackboard menu in front of the street.


But this is not the point, the point is: in the face of these dozens of coffee beans, there are only two sets of cooking schemes used in Qianjie. That is, the front street divides them into two types, one is light baked and the other is deep baked. These two schemes have high applicability and can extract most of the flavor characteristics of beans.


The amount of water and cooking methods remain the same, which allows us to develop certain habits and increase a certain rate of fault tolerance. The only difference is the water temperature, grinding and filter cup that change according to the characteristics of the beans. The shallow-baked beans are shallow-baked, hard in texture and resistant to extraction, so we will grind them to a finer degree and cook them at a higher water temperature. However, if this kind of cooking data is extracted for too long, it is easy to cause over-extraction, so we chose the V60 filter cup which is faster to enter the water.


The structure of deep-roasted coffee beans is brittle, loose and easy to extract. So we use coarser grinding and not too high water temperature for cooking, so as to reduce the intensity of extraction. If you still use V60, you will finish the cup of coffee very quickly, then there is a good chance that you will get a cup of coffee with not enough extraction. So we choose to use the slow Kono filter cup, its diversion bone only exists at the bottom, the flow rate will not be very fast, the most important thing is that the Kono filter cup can make the brewed coffee more mellow.


You can start with classification: first, sort out the coffee beans you have come into contact with before according to their characteristics, and then make a more applicable cooking scheme for each category, as simple as possible. When you have worked out a brewing plan with high applicability, the second step is to analyze which category the characteristics of unfamiliar coffee beans belong to, put it in the right seat, and directly use that category of brewing scheme. For example, Qianjie uses the cooking scheme divided by baking degree, then only need to judge the baking degree of beans.


For example, Qianjie identification beans usually start with the flavor description on the label. For example, fresher flavors such as flower and fruit tend to be lightly baked beans. If it's chocolate, nuts like caramel are beans that tend to be deep-baked. But if it is a bag of beans without any description, then we can only rely on the color of its appearance to judge. Light-baked beans are usually between light brown and brown, while dark-baked beans are mostly dark brown to black. Different ↓ of shallow baked beans


Different deep-baked beans ↓


With the increase of cooking experience, you will find that the anaerobic treatment of two kinds of beans with the same baking degree and different treatments tends to be faster than the traditional treatment of beans. Then we can grind the anaerobic coffee beans a little finer on the basis of the original scheme. And the same kind of roasting, the same treatment, different beans in the coffee, some beans will be more resistant than others, yes! We're talking about Rose Summer! Then we can make a special classification for the "rose summer species".


By analogy, when you have accumulated a certain degree of experience, you will be able to list the corresponding cooking scheme directly through the first sight of the label (beans). The preliminary cooking scheme listed here is only the preliminary cooking scheme, raising the preliminary cooking fault tolerance rate of the new beans to the highest! Then it can be carefully adjusted according to the rough data made and cooked. Excelsior is always good ~-END-

Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
