Coffee review

Self-taught the misunderstanding of hand-made coffee, how many did you step on?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, With the development of boutique coffee, hand-made figures can now be found in all kinds of cafes. It has also become the first choice for many people to study coffee by virtue of its pure flavor, low entry cost and easy operation. In this era of developed network information, the ways of self-learning hand-made coffee are increasing, not only

With the development of boutique coffee, hand-made figures can now be found in all kinds of cafes. It has also become the first choice for many people to study coffee by virtue of its pure flavor, low entry cost and easy operation.


In this era of developed network information, the ways of self-learning hand-made coffee are increasing, not only painting focus on the integration of extraction theory, and even a variety of instruments, steps, techniques, details have relevant tutorials. But precisely because these "free" knowledge is complicated, and often lack of systematic carding, many self-taught friends are very easy to fall into misunderstandings in operation.

Misunderstanding that No.1 is "almost all right" for each parameter.

Many friends who have just come into contact with hand flushing will formulate a water injection framework before formal extraction, but when it comes to the actual operation, they do not brew strictly according to the original parameters. "it's not a big problem to lose a few grams of coffee powder,"just boil the water for a little while," and "the amount of water looks almost fine, and it doesn't matter if you have more or less."... If each parameter is a little worse, then the final coffee taste will be "more than a little bit" different.


For beginners, it is critical to brew strictly according to the original parameters after the development of the cooking frame. Because only in this way, when we "review" our own parameters, can we eliminate all kinds of unstable factors from the source and more intuitively find out the reasons why the coffee is not tasty.

Misunderstanding that No.2 is timed after steaming.

Steaming for 30 seconds is almost a point that will be mentioned in most tutorials, but some people advocate that after the stifling water injection is completed, and then press the timer, some people think that the start of water injection should be calculated, and the difference between the two is about 7-9 seconds.


Once the powdered water is in contact, it means that the extraction has taken place, so the moment the first drop of hot water falls into the coffee powder is the starting point of steaming, and the timing should begin. If the time is only 30 seconds after water injection, the actual steaming time will be extended to about 3739 seconds, and the total extraction time will be longer than expected.

Misunderstanding that No.3 does not have a "hamburger" when steaming is stale beans

As can be seen in many advertisements or video tutorials, when hot water is injected into coffee powder, it will slowly pop up to form a "hamburger-shaped" drum bag, which looks very cured, which is also one of the main manifestations of extracting fresh beans. Over time, some novice friends "acquiesce" that there must be a "hamburger" when brewing fresh coffee, which means that the beans are no longer fresh.


In fact, the shallow roasted coffee beans with flower and fruit flavor have high hardness, their structure is complete and dense, and their exhaust is relatively slow after meeting water, so there will be no obvious drum bags. Secondly, when the coffee powder is rougher, the coffee particles will be larger, so it will take longer to saturate and absorb water, and the exhaust effect will be poor, which will lead to a smaller degree of expansion.

Misunderstanding: No.4 must circle clockwise when injecting water.

Circular water injection is our most commonly used form of stirring, which is uniformly surrounded by circles from the inside to the outside to fully extract soluble flavor substances. Many buddies who have just entered the pit immediately fall into another blind spot-the direction of the circle-after learning to circle and inject water. In this regard, Qianjie once brewed two pots of coffee with the same parameters, and only changed the circle direction of water injection, and found that there was no obvious difference.


In theory, neither clockwise nor counterclockwise injection will make much difference. Circle size, water flow height, water column thickness, speed, water injection time, whether the flow is stable or not. All of them can affect the final flavor performance of coffee, and the direction of the circle is only a very subtle factor. As for the choice of clockwise or counterclockwise water injection, it all depends on personal habits, as long as you always maintain a unified circle direction.

Misunderstanding: remove the filter cup before dripping No.5 coffee liquid.

Some friends especially rely on intercepting during daily cooking. They always feel that the tail liquid flowing to the back of 10~20ml is the source of bitter taste, and often choose to "give up". Some brewers are too cautious, always stare at the extraction time of the electronic scale, once more than 2 minutes have not finished dripping, in order to "keep" the pot of coffee will not be affected, so quickly remove the filter cup.


Qianjie has experimented with water injection according to the normal powder-to-water ratio at 1:15, and through tasting the coffee liquid at the end of the cut-off, there is no bitter miscellaneous and other negative flavor.

Misunderstanding that No.6 always talks about the golden cup theory first than the senses.

After learning the concepts of extraction rate and concentration, some friends always cling to a pile of "standard data" and always emphasize the terms such as extraction or insufficient extraction before tasting, but ignore the real charm of hand-brewed coffee: flavor.


First of all, for beginners who have just begun to learn hand flushing, Qianjie does not advocate the point of view of "a difference of one degree and a thousand miles of taste". It will advise you to judge whether it needs to be adjusted from your own senses, and then determine the direction of the adjustment according to the demand and ability combined with conservative cooking parameters. If you are not familiar with a lot of extraction logic and the ability to control water is still very rusty, but blindly pursue the so-called "specialty", I am afraid it will be difficult to find effective room for progress on the way to learning.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
