Coffee review

Viennese coffee that can be reproduced at home!

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, When it comes to cream, it is always reminiscent of its dreamlike texture, and the desserts made with it can always make people secrete more dopamine, so can the coffee made with it also make people feel as sweet as cream cakes and cream puffs? There happens to be a special coffee in such a place, its

When it comes to cream, it is always reminiscent of its dreamlike texture, and the desserts made with it can always make people secrete more dopamine, so can the coffee made with it also make people feel as sweet as cream cakes and cream puffs?


There happens to be a special coffee in such a place, its production core uses a sufficient amount of cream, it is "Herbalife" and "Viennese coffee"! The Origin of Viennese Coffee Vienna Coffee is like a Spanish latte. When you go to the local cafe, you will not see the corresponding option on the menu. Instead, it has another local name, "coachman Coffee"! Vienna is now the capital of Austria, and Austria is one of the countries that split after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the first World War. Viennese coffee was born in Vienna before the Austrian state was disintegrated.


During the Austro-Hungarian Empire, even on cold winter nights, people would drive carriages around for a living. Born in Vienna, Ein Spanner is one of the street coachmen. But because the winter nights in Vienna are so cold, he needs a refreshing, full and caloric drink to support him in the long night driving.


So, under the blessing of this environment, he thought of using cream and sugar to match coffee, so that he could get a steady stream of calories and refreshing effects, so as to maintain its driving work! Since there was no third wave of concern about the taste of coffee beans at that time, the quality of coffee must be relatively poor! Then, because the espresso machine had not yet been born, the most commonly used method of coffee extraction at that time was what we had been talking about: grind the beans and cook them in a pot.


Low-quality beans with very high extraction rate, such a combination of coffee must have a very strong refreshing effect (because Gaga is bitter! ). Then he added cream for one reason because it can provide enough calories, and the other is to ease the bitter taste caused by the over-extraction of coffee. But the cream will decrease with the increase of drinking times, and the remaining coffee will return to its original bitterness without cream blending. So he had an idea and added sugar to the bottom of the cup, so that even if the cream was finished, the coffee would not be too bitter. In this way, the cup of coffee invented to solve the problem of the coachman is hence the name "coachman coffee". So when you go to the Vienna Cafe, you will see "coachman" instead of "Vienna" coffee on the menu!


To sum up, the original Viennese coffee was made with rich black coffee and cream on the sugar base. After years of development, it has evolved into a more popular way of making "latte + cream". So today, let's make these two "past Life and this Life".

In addition to the regular Italian making materials, we need extra preparation: dishing out the whipped cream!


The first edition of Viennese Coffee

First, we pour 10g granulated sugar into a tall glass, then use 20g coffee beans, extract 40ml espresso for 30 seconds, mix with 80ml60 °C hot water and pour into the cup, and finally squeeze a lot of cream.


Done! (can be embellished with chocolate powder or caramel crushed on the surface)


Today's Viennese Coffee

Put 60g ice cubes into the cup, pour in 120ml's fresh milk, replace the same amount of granulated sugar with any flavor syrup (otherwise it cannot be melted), then sprinkle with extracted 40ml espresso.!


Then squeeze a lot of cream into the center (as you like) until the cup is full! It can be embellished with chocolate powder or caramel crumbs.


Hot Viennese coffee is even easier to make! First, use 40ml concentrate, 10ml arbitrary flavor syrup and 160ml milk to make a hot latte without pulling flowers! Then sprinkle the surface with a lot of cream (as you like).


Done! When drinking, you can intuitively feel the full and dense texture of the cream, and it will show a different taste after stirring! It's very easy to make. You can try it yourself if you have the conditions.



Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province
