Coffee review

Introduction of Ethiopian Coffee Variety introduction of Ethiopian native species Heirloom and 74Coffee 75

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Usually when buying Ethiopian coffee beans, most of the beans on the package appear "Heirloom". Heirloom in Chinese translation means native seed or family heirloom, generally refers to the mixed harvest of coffee varieties. But recently, there are also some digitally coded beans, such as 7.

Usually when buying Ethiopian coffee beans, most of the beans on the package appear "Heirloom". Heirloom in Chinese translation means native seed or family heirloom, generally refers to the mixed harvest of coffee varieties. However, recently, there are still some digitally coded bean species, such as 74110, 74158 and so on.

The local coffee cultivation and production in Ethiopia is mainly divided into three categories. The first category is wild forest coffee. Most wild coffee trees grow in southwestern Ethiopia, and the coffee trees themselves have been mixed with many varieties. Therefore, the fecundity and yield are not as good as the high yield and quality of other artificial breeding. The second is courtyard planting, which is basically planted next to farmers, with about 100 coffee trees per household, which is the planting mode on which most small farmers rely for survival. Finally, there are large farms, coffee or estates, which are mainly intensive farms and adopt standardized farming methods.

Ethiopian coffee from a single manor is not lacking, but relatively few. Many come from common cooperatives, and the cooperative society collects coffee berries from farmers in a region for unified treatment and sale. It is estimated that there are 10000 to 15000 coffee varieties in Ethiopia today, and most of them have not yet been formally identified. Therefore, Heirloom does not refer to a certain type of coffee variety, it represents the blending of raw beans in the producing area, and the cooperative gathers the harvest of a number of small farmers in the same period, and then piece together each other. It is precisely because of the differences among varieties that the size, size and shape of these coffees are different, ranging from large to small, long and round, which can be understood as "blended batches".

Therefore, Ethiopian coffee varieties are divided into two types: JARC varieties and regional varieties. It is estimated that there are 10000 to 15000 varieties of coffee grown in wild Ethiopian forests in the region, so it is difficult for farmers to identify and separate varieties, only on farms or private estates. Collectors and producers can better distinguish each planted variety.

The JARC variety is developed by the Jimma Agricultural Research Center (JARC), one of the Ethiopian Agricultural Federal Research centres, which aims to improve resistance to pests and diseases and increase yield. Between 1973 and 1975, the research center identified and planted 639 different coffee varieties through coffee beans collected from 15 regions. In these samples, a total of 13 beans performed well, with the characteristics of disease resistance, high yield, drought tolerance and good flavor.

Therefore, JARC classifies these beans as "1974/1975CBD-Rexistent Selections". That is, the numbering series, and the common ones are 74110 and 74158. The first two digits, 74x75, refer to the year in which they were found, while the number after 74ap75 is the variety number.

The popularity of the digital series is attributed to the COE, which is famous because only three of the top 10 COE were iron pickups and the other seven beans were digital series. At present, Qianjie also has a digital series of beans, a coffee bean from the Santa Veni processing plant, is 74158 varieties, using 96 hours of anaerobic sun exposure. The taste will have a slight fermented wine, with citrus and other tropical fruit flavors and acidity, a red wine finish, smooth and full taste.