Coffee review

Is the smart cup a filter cup? The way the smart cup is used, the way it is extracted, and the degree of grinding its coffee powder should use?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, Recently, more and more filter cups are equipped with controllable valves with switch function, and many merchants will give them the name of "Smart Cup" for sale. Strictly speaking, their usefulness is very different from that of the Smart Cup, and in principle, only those sold by the Mr.Clever brand can be called

Recently, more and more filter cups are equipped with controllable valves with switch function, and many merchants will give them the name of "Smart Cup" for sale. Strictly speaking, their usefulness is very different from that of the Smart Cup, and in principle, only what the Mr.Clever brand sells can be called the Smart Cup!

Wait, Qianjie forgot to introduce what the Smart Cup is first! It doesn't matter. Next, let's find out what kind of extraction tool Smart Cup is.

What is the Smart Cup? The "Clever Coffee Dripper", according to its appearance, can be described as similar to a fan-shaped filter cup with a valve. It is a set and immersion extraction and trickling extraction in one piece of cooking apparatus!

And its cleverness is the distinctive valve design! It can be seen that a circular base is installed at the bottom of the filter cup, which is the valve in front of the street. However! It, there is no switch!

The whole valve plate is divided into two layers, the outer layer looks ordinary, but in fact it plays a very important supporting role! Because the inner layer is a valve switch triggered by pressing, the valve can be opened with very light pressure, so the outer layer is needed to isolate it from the plane to avoid opening the valve during the coffee making process.

Smart cup is used in a variety of ways. Whether you use it as an independent extraction tool or as a hand filter cup, it can make a pot of delicious coffee. Then let's share it in the front street. Smart cup two commonly used extraction methods ~ by the way, smart cup also needs to use filter paper. After all, no one wants to have a sip of coffee residue bar ~ so we all need to put a fan-shaped filter paper before using it.

The first is the simplest way to extract the smart cup ~ first, put the smart cup on the table, and then pour the target amount of powder and hot water in turn to soak!

After the soaking is over, the smart cup can be moved from the table to the prepared container, and the valve at the bottom will open the valve and release the coffee liquid because of the force of the cup. After the drip filtration, a regular smart cup of coffee is finished.

The beans used in the front street are Asaria of Kenya. The coffee extracted from the smart cup has a well-balanced taste, the flavors of Wumei, Little Tomato and Sydney are well displayed, and the sweetness of caramel is also obvious. on the whole, it is pretty good ~ because it is soaked in the whole process, so we need to adjust the coarse grinding to increase the fault tolerance rate. Secondly, because we do not use any stirring method to improve the extraction rate. We need to raise the water temperature and extend the soaking time to give the coffee a suitable concentration. The extraction parameters used in the front street are as follows: grinding scale: 70% oversieving rate of sieve 20, Ek43 10.5 scale, water temperature: 94 °C, powder: 1:15, soaking time: 4 minutes.

Then there is the second way, adding the action of stirring in the soaking process ~ because some friends will dislike the time of 4 minutes is too long, or the flavor is more balanced and want a certain flavor to stand out, so we can artificially increase the extraction rate. In order to get the effect we want: first spread the filter paper, and then pour the target coffee powder and hot water into the smart cup in turn. When the hot water is injected, take out the long spoon and cross the soaked coffee liquid, or stir it in a word, about 10 times!

Then soak for 2 minutes and 30 seconds and then move to the container and harvest the coffee!

Due to the addition of stirring in the initial stage of soaking, the flavor substances of coffee can be better extracted! Compared with the last full-soaked smart cup coffee, this stirred cup of coffee will have a fuller fruity taste, slightly higher acidity than the previous cup ~ it can be said to be two completely different flavor experiences ~ its extraction parameters are as follows: grinding scale: 75% oversieving rate of sieve 20, 10 scale of Ek43, water temperature: 94 °C, powder: 1:15, soaking time: 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Give it a try.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province