Coffee review

How to make the powder bed of siphon pot coffee form a "hill"? How to use the siphon kettle? What are the extraction parameters?

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, When surfing the Internet in Qianjie, you can always see such a sentence: at the end of making siphon coffee (siphon pot coffee), if there is a small hilly pink bed, it means that this cup of coffee will taste better. But often, the powder bed after cooking is in a "plain" state, so many friends will be in the front street.

When surfing the Internet in Qianjie, you can always see such a sentence: at the end of making siphon coffee (siphon pot coffee), if there is a small hilly pink bed, it means that this cup of coffee will taste better. But often, after cooking, the powder bed is in a "plain" state, so many friends will ask backstage in the front street: how to make siphon coffee brew a hill-like powder bed?

(flat pink bed) so Qianjie today will share how this "hill" of siphon coffee is formed, and whether this "hill" can really represent the quality of the final coffee.

How did the "hill" come into being? in fact, this "hill" only needs to add a little skill in the production of siphon coffee to form the way of making siphon coffee. We can move to (the detailed process of siphon pot coffee making) this article to understand, the main part is in the coffee liquid reflux link! When the hot water pouring into the upper pot has extracted enough coffee, we will bring the coffee liquid back to the pot by lowering the temperature of the pot. Before preparing to cool down, we need to use a stirring rod to stir clockwise around the big circle, four to five times, and then remove the fire source to cool down. When the coffee liquid is finished, you will be surprised to find that a round "hill" is formed!

But after tasting it, you will know that it is not much different from the original siphon coffee (without hills)! The same is obvious flavor, mellow, high sweetness. This means that the coffee made from the flat powder bed is also delicious. So why do people make such a remark? This has to mention our coffee "metaphysics".

Coffee "metaphysics" as we all know, coffee has always been inextricably related to the word "metaphysics". The reason is that some earlier theories have been spread after they were put forward, but, in the process of dissemination, the meaning was misinterpreted, so in the end, the theory was distorted and became an inexplicable metaphysics! Watch "powder pits" for hand coffee, "pressed powder" for Italian coffee, and "hills" for siphon coffee. These are the "extraction metaphysics" that has been circulating in coffee circles. When a uniform powder pit appears after the brewing of hand-brewed coffee, and the powder bed looks like a hill after siphon coffee extraction, people will mistakenly think that this cup of coffee will be a good delicacy.

But the truth is, the emergence of these phenomena only represents what you do and what happens in the process of coffee extraction, not the quality of the coffee! Therefore, if there is a "hill" in the production process of siphon coffee, it does not mean that this cup of coffee is necessarily delicious, but that people make such a "hill" in order to make good coffee.

There are two main reasons why people want to make the powder bed into a "hill" in the process of making siphon coffee: first, before reducing the flow of bitter substances into the next pot, people think that bitter substances will be released at the back. By stirring the coffee liquid, you can make these bitter substances float on the surface, so that they will not flow into the next pot with the coffee liquid!

Second, to make the return coffee liquid more uniform, the bottom structure of the siphon pot adopts a stepped narrowing process, and the only place through which the water can pass is the middle pipe. Therefore, if the powder bed is in a flat state, the coffee liquid in the middle will only pass through the least coffee powder in the process of falling, while the coffee liquid around will pass through more coffee powder in the process of falling, which will easily lead to uneven extraction. However, if the powder bed forms a hill, the gap between the powder bed passed by the middle water and the surrounding will be narrowed, thus forming a uniform extraction state.

It is precisely because of these two points that the powder bed has formed a "hill" appearance. To quote a sentence previously said in Qianjie: although the formation of hills is not directly related to the quality of taste, compared with flat powder beds, hills are more ornamental, which can be regarded as one of its great advantages.


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province