Coffee review

Coffee shop preparation before business, in addition to adjust the machine to test concentration, but also test what? Do lattes and cold coffee all need to be tested for taste?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, The coffee shop conducts a round of "morning tests" before opening every morning. As the name implies, the main task is to test the taste of the coffee to be sold that day, and correct it if it is found to be different from that of yesterday, such as a negative taste. When the coffee taste test

The coffee shop conducts a round of "morning tests" before opening every morning. As the name implies, the main task is to test the taste of the coffee to be sold that day, and correct it if it is found to be different from that of yesterday, such as a negative taste.

When the coffee taste test is completed, it will officially enter business hours. But many friends will be confused, obviously using the same machine, the same water, the same parameters, the same beans, then how can the taste of coffee be different? Is it really necessary for coffee shops to carry out this "morning test"?

Why do coffee shops take early tests? If it's a coffee with controllable variables like hand brewing, you really don't need a daily morning test to make sure it tastes good! Because only the brewing parameters are all the same, then the final taste of the coffee will have a certain degree of stability. But if it's espresso, it's different! Although all the parameters (not extraction data) are the same as yesterday, for Italian extraction, the parameters can not guarantee the stability of the taste! There are two main reasons, the first is the influence of the exhaust of coffee beans on the extraction!

It is well known that after the coffee beans are roasted, the abundant carbon dioxide will cause the coffee beans to enter the exhaust period of up to two months. During this period, coffee beans will continue to exhaust all the time, and when the gas is discharged overnight, it is likely to cause the extraction to produce variables! For example, 40ml coffee liquid, which used to use 20 grams of coffee powder and takes 30 seconds to extract, may be extracted in 25 seconds the next day after one night of exhaust. Therefore, the extraction parameters we used yesterday do not guarantee that the same delicious coffee will be extracted at the moment of the next day.

But the first influence variable is relatively small, mainly the second factor! The second reason is the humidity of the air. Italian extraction is easily affected by climate and environment. The air humidity changes every day, especially when the weather is cool or even rains. The environment will be full of water molecules, very humid and low pressure. This will lead to coffee powder very easy to agglomerate, and in the extraction, the pressure of the coffee machine will be limited, so that the extraction of coffee is full of instability, then the taste of coffee can not be guaranteed to be as delicious as yesterday! In addition to espresso needs taste correction, there are also these coffee, also need to participate in the test!

What else does a coffee shop need to test besides espresso?

Whether a cup of espresso tastes good or not does not determine that it also performs well in the production of other espresso, because each kind of coffee requires different concentrated properties! For example, when used to make American espresso, people are more likely to use something light and layered, while espresso used to make lattes needs to be full-bodied and mellow! The espresso required by the two has very different requirements. Therefore, people often choose the coffee with a higher purchase rate to determine the flavor trend of espresso! As a favorite latte, it plays this important role. Then we can know that the latte is the second espresso that needs to be tested in the morning test, in addition to the concentrate.

In addition to espresso, there are also products that need to be tested in individual coffee, which is "cold extract coffee"! At the beginning of the extraction, the cold extraction needs to be fermented in the refrigerator for as long as one night. the next day, what we need to do is to confirm whether the fermented it is normal in taste and concentration, and how much ice needs to be added to dilute it.

The second is that cold-extracted coffee can be stored in a cold environment for about 5 days, but cold storage is not frozen after all, and there is a chance of deterioration. Therefore, during this period of time, we have to test it every morning to ensure that its taste, its quality, will not change!

To sum up, the morning test in the coffee shop is very necessary! If we are at home by ourselves, we must be so happy. But if it is a coffee shop, the morning test is not only responsible for the taste of the guests, but also a guarantee of food safety!


Front Street Cafe

No. 10 Baoqian street, Yandun road, Dongshankou, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province

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