Coffee review

Inspection and quarantine should be carried out in the planting base of plant-derived food raw materials for export.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The main safety and health problems of exported plant-derived food raw materials are excessive pesticide residues and harmful elements, which mainly occur in the planting stage. In order to control the safety and quality of plant-derived food raw materials for export during the planting stage, AQSIQ recently issued a notice (National quality Inspection letter [2008] No. 261) requiring further standardization of inspection and quarantine preparations for export plant-derived food raw materials planting bases.

The main safety and health problems of exported plant-derived food raw materials are excessive pesticide residues and harmful elements, which mainly occur in the planting stage. In order to control the safety and quality of plant-derived food raw materials for export during the planting stage, the AQSIQ recently issued a notice (National Food Inspection letter [2008] No. 261). It is required to further standardize the inspection and quarantine record management of the export plant-derived food raw materials planting base. According to the spirit of the document, all coffee beans used for export must come from coffee bases that have been inspected and quarantined from January 1, 2010.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the inspection and quarantine record of the coffee base, each base should prepare the following materials as soon as possible:

1. Name of the base (in Chinese and English)

2. Base address (in Chinese and English)

3. Name and contact number of the person in charge of the base

4. Relevant qualification documents of the person in charge of the base and plant protection staff (letter of appointment or appointment of the person in charge of the base, plant protection worker certificate or qualification certificate)

5. Base location (longitude, latitude) and plan (the marking of each plot in the plan should be clear, unified and standardized)

6. Base photos (including base signs, base panoramas, recent photos, drug storage sites)

7. Total land area of the base (mu) and estimated annual planting area (mu)

8. The total number of parcels of the base, the codes of each parcel, and the form of the base (self-owned base, contract base, other forms, need to provide proof of ownership of the base, or base management contract, land contract), responsible person, contact information, plot area, estimated annual fresh fruit output (kg)

9. The state of the surrounding environment (whether there are pollution sources and effective isolation zones)

10. Soil condition of the base (attached: detection report of agricultural residues and heavy metals)

11. the source and water quality of irrigation water in the base (attached: detection report on the content of agricultural residues and heavy metals)

12. Monitoring report on the air environment of the base

13. The self-management of the base site, that is, the management system of the base (including the organization chart of the base management, the responsibilities of the base administrator and plant protector). The composition list, area and plot map of the base plot, cultivation technical specifications (including control techniques for various links from planting garden to trade port, etc.), agrochemicals management system (including procurement control procedures and measures for agrochemicals, whether storage is dedicated, distribution, preparation, application and residue monitoring measures, etc.) And there are agricultural chemicals purchase account and user account), toxic and harmful substances inspection and monitoring system (including sampling methods and frequency, testing items, testing methods, etc.), etc.

14. The status of plant protection personnel in each plot (whether they are all equipped with plant protection personnel and their respective relevant qualification documents)

15. Occurrence, monitoring, control and related records of diseases and insect pests in the base

16. Procedures for the release of agrochemicals (acquisition, dilution, application, etc.)

18. Safety measures (including empty bottles / leftovers, etc.)

19. Traceability procedures for the control of agricultural chemicals

20. Planting plan of the base for this year (variety name, planned planting time, planned planting area, estimated yield, distribution plot)

21. Harvesting / shipping control measures (harvest time, raw material identification, traceability, health control, etc.)

22. List of documents provided (base control management).