Coffee review

Coffee technology sampling of bagged coffee beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 1 range this section specifies the sampling method for 10 or more bags of coffee beans. This section applies to: the basic sample for supply; to test whether the coffee beans to be supplied comply with the producer's sales regulations; to determine one or more of the characteristics of coffee beans in order to provide a basis for technical, commercial, management and arbitration; quality control or quality inspection; as in case of dispute

1 range

This part specifies the sampling method for coffee beans containing 10 bags or more.

This part applies to:

- Basic samples for supply;

- To verify that the coffee beans to be supplied comply with the producer's marketing regulations;

- Determination of one or more of the characteristics of coffee beans in order to inform technology, commerce, management and arbitration;

- Quality control or quality inspection;

- Sampling as a standard in case of dispute.

This standard is for bagged coffee beans, as described in GB/T 18007.

2 normative references

The provisions of the following documents become the provisions of this part by reference to this part. All subsequent amendments (excluding corrigenda) or revisions to dated references do not apply to this part; however, parties to agreements under this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of using the latest versions of these documents. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this part.

GB/T 18007 - 1999 Terminology of coffee and its products

ISO 6666 Coffee sampling cartridge

ISO 4072 Bagged coffee beans-Sampling

3 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions established in GB/T 18007 and the following apply to this part.


a single

The quantity of bagged coffee beans shipped or received at one time, which may consist of one or more batches.



It refers to a part of a single bag or a single bag. The marks of each bag must be consistent and the weight must be the same. The number of bags per batch generally does not exceed 1000 bags.


damaged bag

A torn, soiled, soiled, or contaminated bag, meaning that damage may have been done to the beans contained therein.



A portion of coffee beans taken from a batch and used to test the characteristics of the batch.


DB53/T 154.7 - 2006



30±6 grams of coffee beans taken from any bag selected from a specified batch.


bulk sample

means a small sample (3.5) taken from each bag of a specified lot in a quantity not less than 1500 g.


Mixed bulk or mixed batch

Coffee beans after mixing all bulk samples and batch samples in a batch.


Laboratory samples or final samples

100 grams of coffee beans taken from the bulk blend.

4 General

4.1 sampling personnel

Sampling must be carried out by experienced or trained samplers or by specialized sampling agencies.

4.2 sampling requirements

Sampling is required for each batch of goods. The sampling place must ensure the hygiene of the sample, and ensure that the sampling instrument, container and package will not be contaminated and rained. Special care should be taken not to soil, wet or smell the sampler.

The sampling personnel must keep a record of damaged or potentially contaminated bags.

4.3 sampling report

After sampling, a sampling report must be prepared (see section 11).

5 Confirmation of goods

The shipment should be identified prior to sampling.

6 Sampling principles

Sampling should follow a sampling scheme developed empirically.

7 Sampling instruments

7.1 Sampling cartridge: A special instrument that penetrates the bag without opening it to extract coffee intact, as described in ISO 6666.

8 Sample containers and packaging

Containers and packages and their closures shall be made of substances that are clean, dry and do not affect the flavour and odour of the sample. These devices should be robust enough not to be damaged during transport and to allow the sample to remain unchanged for a specified period of time.

DB53/T 154.7 - 2006

9 Sampling steps

9.1 sampling requirements

9.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the number of bags sampled from a selected lot shall not be less than 10 bags when the lot contains 10-100 bags of coffee beans; if the lot contains more than 100 bags, the number of bags sampled from a small sample shall not be less than 10% of the total number of bags.

9.1.2 Sample randomly from stacked bags at different positions using a sampling cartridge, each bag should be taken from three different positions.

9.1.3 If there are damaged bags, they should be separated, sampled separately and packed separately.

9.1.4 More than three samples must be taken from each bag.

9.2 sample preparation

9.2.1 Detail

Take samples and check them. If they obviously belong to the same species, mix them up and put them in a container and label them. If different, they should be stored separately and stated in the sampling report.

Samples taken from damaged bags cannot be placed in bulk.

9.2.2 Mixed Detail

Take out the sample from the container and mix well.

9.2.3 Laboratory samples

A laboratory sample can be obtained by mixing 100 grams of the sample. Each laboratory sample is packaged separately and labeled separately.

10 Packaging and marking

10.1 Matters needing attention when packing samples

Samples prepared for moisture determination shall be packed in tightly sealed moisture-proof containers to prevent loss or deterioration of coffee beans; samples used to measure quality characteristics of coffee beans that are not affected by changes in moisture shall be packed in unsealed containers.

10.2 marker

Unless otherwise indicated, the label on the packaging and packaging shall be marked for identification as follows:

a) Date of sampling;

b) the supplier of the sample;

c) Shipping document or contract number;

d) Name of vessel (or other means of transport);

e) the location of the coffee beans;

f) Identification marks and numbers (including coffee origin);

g) the number of bags of the coffee beans;

h) Sample size.

DB53/T 154.7 - 2006

11 Sampling report

The sampling report should provide all information relevant to the sampling method. The damaged bags, damaged condition and approximate number of damaged bags should be indicated for this batch of coffee beans. Mention should also be made of the conditions in which the coffee beans were stored, especially in the context of possible sources of contamination.

12 Storage and transport

12.1 Laboratory samples should be sent to the test facility as soon as they are ready, and only in extremely exceptional circumstances should they be allowed to arrive after 48 hours (except on non-business days). A copy of the sampling report should be attached to the sample.

12.2 After the laboratory samples have been taken, the remaining mixed samples taken from each batch shall be stored in containers labeled in accordance with step 10.2 for future use until the single item is accepted by the Buyer.