Coffee review

People and cars can replenish energy together?! Car brand NIO launches "Power on Coffee"

Published: 2024-10-23 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/23, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Car Brand NIO has had its own coffee brand since 2022, providing users with exclusive coffee services so that car owners can drink a delicious cup of coffee during the car purchase process. Recently, a certain Weilai car owner discovered that the brand's coffee service

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The car brand has had its own coffee brand since 2022, providing users with their own coffee service, so that car owners can drink a cup of delicious coffee in the process of buying a car. Recently, a Weilai car owner found that the brand's coffee service unexpectedly walked out of the store and appeared in the exchange power station.

According to the feedback of the car owners, the fully automatic coffee machine in the power station is still in the testing stage. Users who enter the station can use their mobile phones to scan Mini Program codes to place orders in the car.

If the order is for coffee drinks, it is made on the spot by the machine and sent by the robotic arm to the cab window, where users can simply raise their hands and bring their coffee into the car. However, if the purchase is a bottled coffee drink, it will be delivered directly by the staff of the power station.

After hearing the news, many car owners came to the scene in their own cars and praised that the brand's design was very considerate, which made it convenient for users with caffeine needs, such as "silky experience", "very satisfied" and "not going to change electricity for coffee. But if there is, I will buy coffee easily."

Most people approve of the coffee service provided by Weilai for the power station, and call on the brand to popularize the whole country, so that car owners everywhere can feel the comfort of changing electricity while drinking coffee and other cars. Netizens also advised the brand that in addition to selling drinks, the power station can also provide some simple meals, such as hot dogs, hamburgers and bread, so that users can solve their breakfast in one stop and "recharge" cars and people. to achieve "ultra-long life".

In addition, some people think that the coffee from the Weilai power station can be open to more coffee consumers. Now some of the stores in Weilai have opened takeout services, and coffee lovers who are not brand users can also try the limited specials in the store through the platform.

From this point of view, the switching power station can also open the window to attract non-user groups to experience the intimate service that Weilai provides to their users, and perhaps these passers-by will also become potential users of the brand.

However, some people do not agree with the sale of ready-made drinks in the exchange power station, fearing that when users drink coffee in the station, they may accidentally spill the drink on the power exchange equipment in the station, thus causing safety accidents. Therefore, they think that although the coffee service provided by the brand is considerate and considerate, there may be some risks.

At present, only Shanghai Minxin Tea City Power Station has opened the trial operation of "electrified coffee". According to the staff of the power station, although the coffee service is still in the pilot stage, during this period, customer feedback will be collected and the coffee machine will be retested and adjusted, and the service may be extended to power stations across the country in the future. and will support car owners to order in advance on Mini Program to improve the user's sense of experience.

In addition, the staff said that in the future, product categories may be added to the existing basis, giving users more choices. As for the meal service envisioned by car owners, it may also be reflected into reality in the future, so that consumers can satisfy their cravings such as snacks while drinking coffee.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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