Coffee review

A man and a woman were filmed making out excessively in a coffee shop. Store: It has been handled by the police

Published: 2024-10-18 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Factory Recently, a coffee shop received a negative review. The reviewer claimed to have been a regular customer of the coffee shop since it opened, but the owner blackmailed her because she was making out with her boyfriend in the store, making her feel angry and dissatisfied. In a relaxed and romantic atmosphere, with love

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Recently, a coffee shop received a bad comment saying that he had been a regular customer of the coffee shop since its opening, but the boss blocked her because she was making out with her boyfriend in the store, which made her feel angry and dissatisfied.

In a relaxed and romantic atmosphere, it is not uncommon to have some close interaction with lovers, so just looking at the bad comments seems to be that the coffee shop owner is impersonal and even blackens the guests for this trivial matter.

However, the store owner said that the reason for blocking the woman is that her personal behavior has affected the store's image. It is understood that the customer and her boyfriend arrived at the store in late June, during which they had extreme intimacy, which lasted for 8 minutes.

A week after the incident, the store received other customer complaints about the incident video, the first time to access the incident to monitor whether the situation is true. As the video filmed by others and posted on the Internet that night had a serious negative impact on the store, the shopkeeper decided to blacklist the two parties in the video and refused to receive it.

So when the female guest arrived at the store again, the clerk recognized it and asked her to leave as soon as possible. In the process of communication between the two sides, the woman did not admit that the video was posted on the Internet as herself. after the clerk showed the surveillance footage of the store on that day, she said she was drunk at that time, hoping that the coffee shop would keep it a secret.

Unexpectedly, after leaving the store, the woman maliciously reviewed the store and distorted the facts on the third-party platform. In order to protect their own rights and interests, the shopkeeper should comment immediately and restore the truth. That night, the customer called the police to the local police station, claiming that the Internet maliciously spread her own video. The coffee shop cooperated with the police investigation and immediately obtained the complete surveillance video of the incident.

In addition, the store involved recently issued an official statement saying that due to negligence at work, it did not stop indecent behavior at the first time, resulting in a bad experience for customers that night. It also said that it has strengthened the training of all staff and will continue to cooperate with the police investigation in the future.

After the incident was fermented, it aroused public discussion. Most people think that some intimacy between couples is understandable, but they should pay attention to influence and restraint in public places, and should not disrupt public order in order to satisfy their emotional catharsis, violate public order and good customs, and affect other people around them.

In an interview with the Nine parties News, the lawyer also said that according to Article 44 of the measures for the Administration of Public Security, if indecent behavior in public places seriously interferes with public order, he may be subject to administrative punishment, and if the circumstances are bad, he may be subject to administrative detention.

As for the netizen who filmed the video and posted it on the social platform, according to the lawyer, although the move is to expose uncivilized behavior, it may invade other people's privacy and lead to negative comments on the coffee shop. may need to bear the corresponding legal responsibility for the consequences.

Picture from: Internet

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