Coffee review

"So dedicated"! Ruixing employees go to work with illness?!

Published: 2024-10-24 Author:
Last Updated: 2024/10/24, ▲ Click to pay attention| Daily Boutique Coffee Culture Magazine Coffee Workshop Recently, when a customer went to a nearby Ruixing store to buy drinks, he noticed a white paper posted on the bar, which said,"The clerk has a fever and the cooking is slow, please don't rush." Thank you." After learning that the clerk was working with illness, the customer subconsciously praised

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Recently, when a customer went to a nearby Ruixing restaurant to buy a drink, he noticed a blank piece of paper posted on the bar, which read, "the clerk has a fever and the meal is slow, please don't hurry. Thank you."

When he learned that the shop assistant was ill at work, the guest subconsciously praised "too dedicated" and posted the scene he saw on the social platform, which unexpectedly aroused discussion among netizens.

It may be common for workers to keep going to work when they are ill. Because once you get sick and call in sick, the full attendance award of that month will naturally be gone, so most people will choose to fight hard and stick to work when judging that they have a cold, fever and other minor ailments that do not affect their work.

But when they saw a restaurant practitioner going to work with illness, many netizens said that it was not appropriate to let a shop assistant with a fever insist on making drinks. They said that even if employees wear masks at work, it is hard to avoid accidentally bringing infectious viruses into drinks during the production process, causing food safety risks.

From this point of view, although the lucky employee who went to work with illness is dedicated to his work, he does not have to insist on it. He is responsible to himself and his consumers when he goes home to rest and take care of his health and then return to his post.

However, the lucky workers were very helpless when they saw the notice posted in the store. They also know that for food safety reasons, once they catch a cold and have a fever, they should not go to work with illness. And according to Ruixing's hygiene regulations for offline stores, if an audit finds that a sick employee goes to work with illness in the store, the store will inevitably be deducted and criticized.

But in fact, many employees say frankly that the reason why they make drinks at the bar with a high fever is not that they love their jobs and do not want to rest, but because of a shortage of manpower, other colleagues in the store are unable to replace their shifts. the surrounding stores are also unable to send staff to support them, which forces sick employees to go to work with illness.

"No one is willing to take the shift", "generally speaking, there is no one to borrow, there is no substitute, and the shop cannot be closed."there is no way. It is impossible to find someone to take over the shift temporarily, and people are not necessarily willing to come to support them."

Rui Xing dozen workers said that although Rui Xing has not stopped the release of recruitment information, in fact, both direct stores and joint venture stores are more or less understaffed, and it is not uncommon for one person to be on duty.

Therefore, even if Ruixing explicitly stipulates that employees are not allowed to go to work with illness, most people will not be allowed to take sick leave without a colleague's shift, so they can only wear masks and appear at the bar. And pray that the inspectors will not see their anomalies from the surveillance.

In addition, this situation is not only happening in the Ruixing brand. Some tea beaters have similar problems. An employee in the comments section shared his situation, saying that when he accidentally burned his right hand, the store manager only gave himself two days off and went back to work on the third day, making cups of milk tea with his uninjured left hand.

In this regard, many coffee practitioners feel helpless that since they have been on duty, they no longer dare to get sick easily. After all, no one wants to have to shake coffee at the bar at the risk of losing it at any time when they are not feeling well.

Picture from: Xiao Hong Shu

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