Coffee review

Coffee Empire launched "all the way forward"

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Following "inject Heart", Starbucks Coffee founder, Chairman, President and CEO Howard Schultz launched a new book, "all the way forward", which has been officially released in the Chinese market.

Following "inject Heart", Starbucks Coffee founder, Chairman, President and CEO Howard Schultz launched a new book, "all the way forward", which has been officially released in the Chinese market.

"all the way forward" tells a story about turbulence, loss, soul recovery and rebirth. In 2008, Howard Schultz, president and chairman of Starbucks, unexpectedly decided to return as chief executive, eight years after he last let go of the company's day-to-day affairs and served as chairman. In the face of Starbucks' biggest crisis in more than 30 years, Schultz decided to help it return to its core values, not only to restore a good financial position, but also to reshape its soul.

The book tells the story of a series of amazing changes inside and outside Starbucks under Schultz's leadership from 2007 to 2010 and how Starbucks continues to stick to its values to regain profitability and sustainability. With a unique perspective and fascinating vivid details, this book shows readers how a company can get out of the quagmire and reinvent itself in the face of economic turmoil that no one can do alone. the interlocking fast-paced description will take the reader deep into Schultz's spiritual world and experience his limitations as an individual and his maturing leadership style.

From the leak of a memo to the exposure of Starbucks' problems, to Starbucks' decision to suspend all Starbucks stores in the United States for a few hours for employee training, to Starbucks introducing a strong system to encourage innovation in order to achieve substantial growth. "all the way forward" takes readers through these difficult decisions and painful changes, and inspires readers to reinvent themselves and overcome all kinds of difficulties.

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