Coffee review

Coffee common sense espresso coffee and single coffee difference

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is the difference between Espresso and single-serve coffee? Chen Lei thought for a long time. At that time, he was also quite entangled. He always felt that the boundary between espresso coffee and single-serve coffee seemed to be less and less obvious. Today, he wrote this article to sort out his own ideas. Let's look at the concept of espresso versus single-serve coffee.

Today, a friend asked what is the difference between espresso (Espresso) and individual coffee. Chen Lei thought about it for a long time, but it was also quite tangled at that time. He always felt that the boundary between espresso and individual coffee seemed to be less and less obvious. I also want to sort out my own ideas when I write this article today.

First let's take a look at the concept of espresso and individual coffee, and then Chen Lei asks a few questions of his own.

First, a brief introduction to the concept of espresso and single coffee.


Espresso: if you want to use the data for a general explanation, it means that 7g of powder is extracted by water at 92 degrees at nine atmospheres for 25,30 seconds to get 30ml coffee. The resulting 30ml coffee is called Espresso.

Single coffee: coffee made from only coffee beans from a certain country or a certain producing area, we call it single coffee.

Is the single coffee espresso?

Originally, Chen Lei thought that espresso must be made from mixed coffee beans to be regarded as espresso, but in recent years, it has been found that the use of individual coffee beans to make espresso has gradually become a popular trend.

It breaks my previous idea. In fact, it can be seen from the above concept that the coffee produced by single coffee beans according to the production method of espresso is also espresso.

Is espresso a single coffee?

It says that single coffee can be espresso, so espresso is single coffee? The answer is: not necessarily, this needs to be verified from two aspects. That is, the types of coffee beans used. If the espresso is made from individual coffee beans (such as Brazil, Goran, Manning, etc.), Chen Lei thinks that this espresso can also be called single coffee.


Well, if the espresso is made with mixed coffee beans, then Chen Lei thinks that this espresso cannot be called a single coffee.

What is the essential difference between espresso and individual coffee?

From the above three aspects of comparison, we finally come to a conclusion: espresso can be a single coffee, or not a single coffee, the difference between this is based on the use of different coffee beans.

Single coffee can be either espresso or non-espresso, and the two are divided according to the concentration of the coffee liquid. For example, using a siphon pot to make Colombian coffee beans cannot be called espresso, while Colombian coffee beans made with a coffee machine can be called espresso.

The difference between espresso (Espresso) and individual coffee is really a nerve-racking problem. The above point of view belongs to Chen Lei's personal point of view. If you have different views on this article, Chen Lei is welcome to communicate with you.