Coffee review

Boutique coffee new concept coffee fault tolerance rate

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today, Chen Lei wants to share a new concept with his friends, or it is possible that this concept was put forward by Chen Lei for the first time. After all, he has been looking at all aspects of coffee-related information, but has not found this term in the coffee industry. Today's concept is: coffee fault tolerance. What is the fault tolerance rate of coffee? To put it simply, the fault tolerance rate of coffee is the norm that coffee can bear for various variables.

Today, Chen Lei wants to share a new concept with his friends. It is also possible that this concept was first proposed by Chen Lei. After all, there has been information related to coffee in all aspects. He has not found this term in the coffee industry. The concept to be said today is: coffee fault tolerance rate.

What is coffee tolerance?

Coffee tolerance is simply the range that coffee can withstand for various variables. This explanation does not seem easy to understand, Chen Lei here to illustrate the problem.

A common problem we encounter when making coffee is that if we use a press pot or siphon pot to make coffee, we steep the coffee for 10 or 15 seconds more or 10 or 15 seconds less, and the difference in taste is not obvious.


If we don't taste it carefully, the difference in coffee taste at these times is not obvious.

In the process of making coffee, we may also encounter a problem, that is, when using commercial semi-automatic coffee machines to make coffee, the production time of two cups of coffee differs by 2 seconds, and the taste will change significantly. If we take 25 seconds as a benchmark, then we make 23 seconds of coffee and 27 seconds of coffee, and the taste between these three coffees is clearly distinguishable.

Do we find these two examples strange? Why does time affect the taste of a cup of coffee differently in different appliances? Of course, the above example uses time as an example. If it is replaced by any variable, the conclusion will be the same.

2. What causes fault tolerance?

The reason for this difference is that the two coffee making methods have different fault tolerance rates. If you go deeper to explain this phenomenon, you can only say that because the concentration of coffee is different, therefore, the degree of stimulation to the oral cavity will be different.

The higher the concentration of coffee, the lower the tolerance rate, any change will change its taste, for example, espresso production process, two cups of coffee powder difference of 0.5g, two cups of coffee taste will be different.

The lower the concentration of coffee, the higher the tolerance rate, even if a large change in a variable, the coffee taste is not obvious, at least in most people's taste is not easy to identify.

What is the meaning of coffee tolerance rate?

Knowing the fault tolerance rate of coffee will make us more rigorous about coffee making. We can control some variables of coffee making more accurately according to different coffee making methods or appliances, so that we can more accurately grasp the stability of coffee production.

Of course, with this coffee fault tolerance rate, we will have a standard when communicating coffee. In addition, we can also explain why when making coffee, some people say that I make coffee in only 50 seconds, or some say that I use 40 seconds, but the taste is not much different. At this time, we know that it is because of the coffee fault tolerance rate.

More meanings have yet to be developed, and I hope that friends who are interested in coffee can communicate together.