Coffee review

Italian Coffee Irish Coffee: lover's tears

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Ireland is one of the most romantic countries in the world, with melodious bagpipes and fiery tap dancing, as well as the most mellow whisky in the world. . In addition, as the national label of Ireland, the Irish people are proud of Irish coffee. Irish coffee is not coffee in the traditional sense, it mixes the texture of coffee with the stimulation of wine. This one

Ireland is one of the most romantic countries in the world, with melodious bagpipes and fiery tap dancing, as well as the most mellow whisky in the world.

. In addition, as the national label of Ireland, the Irish people are proud of Irish coffee.


Irish coffee is not coffee in the traditional sense, it mixes the texture of coffee with the stimulation of wine. The coffee was created by a bartender who seems to be using it to tell his love story.

The bartender met the beautiful stewardess at Dublin airport and fell in love with her at first sight. he thought she was like Irish Whiskey, fragrant and mellow. When missing overflowed, the bartender was inspired. He combined Irish coffee whisky with coffee to make a mellow Irish coffee.

The bartender added coffee to the menu, but the stewardess didn't notice it. The bartender never reminded her, but just looked at her quietly at the bar. A year later, the stewardess finally ordered Irish coffee. When he first made Irish coffee for her, he burst into tears with excitement. For fear of being seen by her, he wiped away his tears and secretly drew a circle in the mouth of the Irish coffee cup with them. So when drinking Irish coffee for the first time, there will be the taste of yearning fermenting after being suppressed for a long time.

The stewardess likes Irish coffee so much that she will order a cup as long as she stays at Dublin airport. When they got to know each other, the stewardess would tell the bartender about interesting things around the world, and the bartender would teach the stewardess to make Irish coffee.

One day, she decided not to be a stewardess anymore and said goodbye to him. The last time he made her Irish coffee, he asked, "do you need some tears?" Because he still wants her to understand the taste of missing fermentation.

When the stewardess returned to San Francisco, she suddenly wanted Irish coffee and searched all the cafes before she knew that the coffee was unique. Before long, she opened a coffee shop and started selling Irish coffee. Gradually, Irish coffee became popular in San Francisco. This is why Irish coffee first appeared in Dublin but prevailed in San Francisco.

Love can pass away quietly, but Irish coffee spreads and spreads.