Coffee review

The effect of coffee cup stirring times on the taste of siphon pot coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Today we will talk about the effect of the number of times of stirring on the taste of coffee in the siphon pot. As I have said many times before, when making coffee in a siphon pot, you need to stir three times, three or four times clockwise each time. Of course, here, we will have a question as to why we have to stir three or four times each time. What happens if we stir 10 times or keep stirring?

Today we will talk about the effect of the number of times of stirring on the taste of coffee in the siphon pot.

As I have said many times before, when making coffee in a siphon pot, you need to stir three times, three or four times clockwise each time. Of course, here, we will have a question: why do we have to stir three or four times each time? what would happen if we stirred 10 times or kept stirring? In the evaluation of this article, the answers will be revealed for friends one by one.

According to Uncle Dou, don't guess the taste of coffee subjectively (although we can probably guess how the taste of coffee will change). Use the Cupping spoon in your hand to illustrate the problem.

After cleaning the siphon pot, I still use the method mentioned above to make the siphon pot coffee (Uncle Dou taught me how to make coffee: the main points and lessons of siphon pot making coffee: The time for brewing coffee is the same as the standard method for the first time is one minute, and the three stirring times are: adding coffee powder, 30 seconds and flameout.

The difference this time is that when stirring coffee three times, not only stir 3-4 times, but change to 10 laps and keep stirring.

Pour the finished coffee into the coffee cup so that we get the fourth cup of coffee. Cupping these four cups of coffee (the method of Cupping has been described in detail above, you can see here: how the method of making affects the taste of coffee.

Finally, we can come to the conclusion that stirring coffee tastes bitterer, darker, lighter and messy than standard coffee.

Two of the three questions mentioned above have been answered in this article. As for the third question, are all different coffee beans boiled in a siphon pot for 1 minute? We should not be able to give an answer in the near future, but we will certainly give a detailed article to share in the following article.

Uncle Dou taught me how to make coffee and taught me the first lesson. I divided into three articles to write these questions clearly. When I was in the second class, I was even more surprised that I could overturn my own perception of coffee making. For example:

1. According to the above mentioned, one minute of coffee can be regarded as the standard method of cooking a cup of coffee. The taste of coffee that can be boiled for two minutes can be similar to that for one minute. How is this done?

2. When the coffee is boiled for 30 seconds, will the taste of the coffee be sure to talk? It can also cook the same taste as for 1 minute.

In the following article, we will share the answers to the above questions for friends. Please pay attention to them. This cup test: the effect of stirring times on the taste of siphon pot coffee is over.