Coffee review

There are various ways to make coffee.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Drinking utensils: and coffee always require containers, so it is not too much to count drinking utensils as the composition of a cup of coffee. This can explain why good cafes or enthusiasts pay great attention to the selection of utensils and hygiene protection. 1, the use of the right utensils (what kind of cup to hold what kind of coffee) 2, pay attention to warm cups 3, the correct placement of utensils there are all kinds of coffee production

Drinking utensils: and coffee always require containers, so it is not too much to count drinking utensils as the composition of a cup of coffee.

This can explain why good cafes or enthusiasts pay great attention to the selection of appliances and hygiene protection.

1. Use the right utensils (what kind of cup and what kind of coffee)

2. Pay attention to the warm cup

3. Correct placement of appliances

There are all kinds of ways to make coffee. People in different countries have their own common coffee civilization, and there are many tutorials on coffee manufacturing on the Internet. Here, I don't want to introduce the methods of coffee making. I just want to talk about the concept of making coffee.

Before making any cup of coffee, the first thing to do is to think about what kind of coffee you are going to make.

I think a cup of coffee is mainly composed of the following three parts:

1. Raw materials (coffee beans, dairy products, syrup and other additives)

2. Utensils for extracting coffee (Italian coffee machine, mocha pot, etc.)

3. Coffee utensils (cups, plates, spoons, etc.)

Each part can be expanded:

Raw materials: according to the coffee and extraction utensils to be made to select the type of coffee beans, and then select the degree of grinding, this is a very important part, coffee beans greatly affect the taste of the final coffee; dairy products are mainly milk, milk foam, cream, etc., unusual coffee demand, different dairy products. Hit a jar of milk foam, the share of dairy products in coffee is how much, which requires us to practice. The amount of syrup affects the flavor of coffee, so participate in the syrup properly.

Coffee extraction utensils: 1. According to the coffee you want to make, pull out the extraction utensils (this is very crucial, the coffee concentration and flavor extracted from different utensils are different, no one can replace each other, and we all have our own strengths and characteristics.)

2. Operate the selected appliances at the correct pace

3. Grasp the time of extraction

4. Excessive extraction of coffee

The above is about the composition of a cup of coffee, which is appropriate for a coffee-making formula, or a general rule. If we do every part of trust correctly, we will be able to make a standard cup of coffee. Good coffee or characteristic coffee must be above the norm, so it is very important to have a good foundation before seeking change.