Coffee review

Fine Coffee Science explains the nouns of coffee in detail.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, [source] basic source of medicinal materials: seeds of small fruit coffee, medium fruit coffee and large fruit coffee of Rubiaceae. Latin plant animal mineral name: 1.CoffeaarabicaL.2.CoffeacanephoraPierreexFroehn.3.CoffealibericaBul1.exH1en harvesting and storage: the pericarp begins to turn red and can be harvested. The harvest time varies with the species, and the small seeds are collected from September to November and from September to October.


Source of medicinal materials: seeds of small fruit coffee, medium fruit coffee and large fruit coffee of Rubiaceae.

Latin plant animal mineral name: 1.CoffeaarabicaL.2.CoffeacanephoraPierreexFroehn.3.CoffealibericaBul1.exH1en

Harvest and storage: the pericarp can be harvested as soon as it begins to turn red. The fruit harvest period varies with species, small seed from September to November, full fruit from September to October, medium grain from November to June of the following year, and full fruit from February to April. There are two processing methods: 1. Drying method: after the fresh fruit is dried or dried, remove the pericarp and seed coat with a sheller, sift out the impurities.

two。 Wet method: this method is used for mass production. Peel the fresh fruit with a peeling machine, separate the bean grains from the pericarp, soak the peeled beans in water, wash, dry, and then remove the seed coat to get commercial coffee beans.

[original form]

1. Small fruit coffee, shrubs or small trees, 4-7 m tall. Old branches gray-white, nodes inflated; branches opposite, sparsely 3 whorled. Leaves opposite; petiole 8-15mm long; stipules broadly triangular, arising from apical protuberance on upper part of young branches, 3-6mm long; leaf blade thinly leathery, ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6-14cm long, 3.5-5cm wide, apex long acuminate, base cuneate or slightly acute, margin undulate or shallowly undulate, both surfaces glabrous. Cymes several clustered in leaf axils; involucral pedicels absent or very short; bracts basally connate; pedicels 0.5-1.5mm long; calyx tube tubular, 2.5-3mm long, apex truncated or 5-denticulate; Corolla white, length varies from variety to variety, often 10-18mm, apex 5-lobed, rarely 4-or 6-lobed, lobes longer than Corolla tube; anthers 6-8mm long, exserted; style 12-14mm long, stigma 2-lobed. The berries are oval, 12-16mm long. Seeds raised abaxially. Long 8-10mm. The flowering period is from March to April and the fruit ripening stage is from September to November.

two。 Medium fruit coffee CoffeacanephoraPierreexFroehn. Also known as: medium-grain coffee, medium-grain coffee Hainan Flora. The difference between this species and small fruit coffee is that the leaves are 15-30cm long and 6-12cm wide, and the apex is acute or broad-pointed. The fruit is ovoid, nearly equal in length and width, both 10-12mm.

3. Big fruit coffee CoffealibericaBul1.exH1en also known as: large grain coffee, large seed coffee "Hainan Flora". The difference between this species and small fruit coffee is that the leaves are larger, 15-30cm long, 6-12cm wide, apex broad and acute, and the pores in the axils of the veins on the back of the leaves are often with short tufts of hairs. The fruit is oval-shaped, 19-21m long and 15-17mm in diameter.

[habitat distribution]

Ecological environment: 1. Native to tropical Africa.

two。 Originally from Africa.

3. Originally from Africa.

Distribution of resources: 1. It is introduced and cultivated in South China and Southwest China.

two。 Cultivated in Hainan, Guangdong and other places in China.

3. It is cultivated in Guangdong, Yunnan, Hainan and other places in China.


Character identification: 1. The seed coat of small fruit coffee has been removed, oval or oval in shape, 8-10mm in length, 5-7mm in diameter, 3-4mm in thickness in the middle, raised abaxially, flat ventral, slightly curved longitudinal groove and paper seed coat marks. Raw products are yellow or dark green; baked products are dark brown with special aroma and slightly bitter taste. Astringent.

two。 Medium fruit coffee seeds are slightly larger, ovoid, 9-11mm long, 7-9mm in diameter, raised abaxially and flat on the ventral side.

3. Coffee seeds oblong, about 15mm long, about 10mm in diameter, smooth.

Microscopic identification: small fruit coffee seed powder characteristics: the raw product is yellowish green and the baked product is brown.

① has many brown lumps of different sizes.

② fiber is slender.

③ stone cells are rectangular and round, with a length of 200 μ m and a diameter of 20-40 μ m.

④ endosperm cell wall is thick, pit can be seen, containing protein grains and fat. Physical and chemical identification to take a little powder of this product, put on the slide, add a little water, heat, wait for the water to dry, add 2 drops of benzene, after drying, there are many yellowish needle crystals along the edge of the slide. (check for caffeine)

[chemical composition]

1. Small fruit coffee fruit contains alkaloids, the most important of which is caffeine (ooffeine), followed by theophylline (theobromine) and theophylline (theo-phylline). The sterols are β-sitosterol (β-sitosterol), stigmasterol (stigi11astero1), rapeseed sterol (campestero1), cholesterol (cholesterol) and trace 5-oat sterol-enol (del5-avenasterol), 7-oat sterol (del7-avenasterol), 7-stigmasterol-enol (Δ 7-stigmasterol). Also contains lipids, in which fatty acids are: nutmeg acid (myristic acid), paulownia acid (palmitic acid), stearic acid (stearic acid), oleic acid (oleic acid), linoleic acid (linoleic acid), peanut acid (arachidic acid). Roots, stems. Leaves and seedlings contain caffeine, theophylline, theophylline, 7-dimethylxanthine (paraxanthine), scopolamine (scope1etin), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (ρ-hydroxybenzoic acid), vanillic acid (vanillic acid), p-coumaric acid (ρ-coumaric acid), ferulic acid (ferulicacid), chlorogenic acid (ch1orogenic acid). Caffeic acid (caffeic acid). Leaves also contain ursolic acid (ursolic acid).

two。 Medium fruit coffee fruit contains alkaloids: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline. The sterols in seed oil include β-sitosterol, 24-methylene cyclopineol (24-methylenecycloartanol), 5-oat sterol-enol and so on. The seeds also contain caffeic acid, ferulic acid, 3-0phaeoyl quinic acid (caffeoylquinic acid) and 5meryl-caffeoylquinic acid (caffeoylquinic acid), 3meme 4-0-3memoylquinic acid (dicaffeoy1quinic acid) and 4maeoylquinic acid (dicaffeoy1quinic acid), 3furol O-feruloylquinic acid (3-0-feruloylquinic acid), 3-0-feruloyl-4furoyl quinic acid (3-O-feruloyl-4-O-caffeoylquinic acid). 3muro-caffeoyl-4muro-ferulaquinic acid (3-O-caffeoyl-4-O-feruloylquinic acid).

3. Big fruit coffee fruit contains caffeic acid. The leaves also contain theacrine,1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric acid (tetramethyluric acid), liber-ine (0 (2), 1meme 9-trimethyluric acid) and methyllibetine (0 (2), 1min7 min9-tetramethyluric acid (O (2), 1min7 min9-tetramethv1uric acid).

[pharmacological action]

1. Effect on the central nervous system: caffeine, the main active ingredient of coffee, and its structural analogue theophylline have a strong central excitatory effect. But theophylline has a stronger effect and lasts longer than caffeine. People who take caffeine or drink caffeinated drinks often show loss of drowsiness, reduced fatigue and quick thinking. With the increase of the dose, the central excitatory effect was more obvious, such as tension, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, tremor and so on. Higher doses produce local or systemic spasms. The effect of theophylline is stronger than that of caffeine. Methylxanthine compounds such as caffeine and theophylline can increase the sensitivity of respiratory center to CO2. It also has an excitatory effect on the respiratory center, which is more obvious in pathological conditions such as Cheyne-Stoke breathing (Cheyne-Stoke respiration) and apnea in premature infants and in the case of inhibition of respiration with opioids. These compounds can also cause nausea and vomiting, which is partly related to their central role. Taking 85-250mg caffeine can enhance the ability of mental work for long hours and shorten reaction time, but the ability to work involving delicate muscle coordination and accurate timing or arithmetic is reduced. Patients with phobias are particularly sensitive to methylxanthine compounds. In one study, most of these patients showed typical symptoms of anxiety, fear and other phobias when taking caffeine at a plasma concentration of 8 μ g / ml. When the central nervous system is inhibited by drugs, low doses of caffeine and other methylxanthine compounds can show obvious central excitatory effect. Other data have shown that these compounds can specifically antagonize the effects of opioids including analgesia. Intrathecal injection of caffeine that does not produce hyperalgesia (hyperalgesia) can increase the median effective dose of morphine for pain relief. However, there is no data to show that caffeine can improve brain function during alcoholism. Studies have shown that long-term use of caffeine can lead to tolerance and drug dependence.

two。 Effect on cardiovascular system: methylxanthine compounds such as caffeine and theophylline have obvious effect on circulatory system. But their functions are complex and sometimes contradictory. This largely depends on the state of the body, the dose and whether the drug has been taken before. People who had never used the drug before took caffeine 250-350mg to slightly increase their heart rate, as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, the above doses often have no effect on people who take caffeine regularly. Whether the increase in heart rate and blood pressure caused by caffeine in people who have not taken such compounds before is related to increased catecholamines and plasma renin activity remains to be further studied. However, it is agreed that for regular users, there is no significant change in the concentration of the above substances in the body. At high doses, both caffeine and theophylline can cause tachycardia. Arrhythmias such as premature contraction may occur in sensitive patients. Excessive consumption of caffeinated drinks can also cause arrhythmias. However, the risk of arrhythmias is small in normal people, and moderate doses of caffeine are usually tolerated in patients with ischemic heart disease or ventricular ectopic (ventricular ectopy). Methylxanthine has a contractile effect on cerebral vessels, resulting in an increase in cerebrovascular resistance, accompanied by a decrease in cerebral blood flow and cerebral oxygen tension.

3. Effect on smooth muscle: methylxanthine compounds can relax all kinds of smooth muscle, the most important of which is the relaxation of tracheal smooth muscle, especially when drugs are used to contract tracheal smooth muscle in clinical asthma and experiments. Theophylline is the most effective smooth muscle relaxant among these compounds, but its mechanism is still unclear. In addition, these compounds can specifically resist the effects of opioids on gastrointestinal tract.

4. Other effects: caffeine can enhance the working ability of human skeletal muscles and increase the twitching tension of cats that indirectly stimulate the quadriceps. At the therapeutic dose, both caffeine and theophylline can improve the contractility of human diaphragm and reduce diaphragm fatigue. In addition, methylxanthine compounds, especially theophylline, have diuretic effects, which increase the excretion of water and electrolytes similar to thiazines. long-term drinking coffee can increase the concentration of plasma cholesterol, but this is not caused by caffeine. it has something to do with other ingredients in coffee.

[toxicity] the phenomenon of ocular caffeine death rarely occurs. The lethal dose of caffeine for adults is about 5-10g, and adverse reactions can occur when taking 1g, such as central nervous system and circulatory system symptoms. Early symptoms such as insomnia, restlessness and agitation develop into mild coma, vomiting, spasms, muscle tension and tremor, tachycardia and extrasystole (extrasysto1e). In addition, faster breathing can also be seen.

[identification] physical and chemical identification of this product powder less on the glass slide, add a little water, heating, after the water is dried, add 2 drops of benzene, after drying, there are many yellowish needle crystals along the edge of the slide. (check for caffeine)

Slightly bitter; astringent; flat

Functional indications: awakening; diuresis; invigorating the stomach. The Lord is mentally tired; has a loss of appetite.

[usage dosage] oral administration: Yanmo decoction, 6-10g.

[excerpt] Chinese Materia Medica