Coffee review

Chinese Coffee Bean introduces Pu'er 's "Simao small seed Coffee"

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pu'er City is located between 22 degrees 02 to 24 degrees 50 minutes north latitude and 99 degrees 09 minutes to 102 degrees 19 minutes east longitude. Passing through the Tropic of Cancer, Pu'er City is a plateau climate zone with low latitude and humid monsoon climate in the south subtropics. It is in the same latitude as the world-famous coffee growing area Colombia, which is the golden zone of coffee cultivation. Cultivation of Simao small seed Coffee in Pu'er City

Pu'er City is located between 22 degrees 02 to 24 degrees 50 minutes north latitude and 99 degrees 09 minutes to 102 degrees 19 minutes east longitude. Passing through the Tropic of Cancer, Pu'er City is a plateau climate zone with low latitude and humid monsoon climate in the south subtropics. It is in the same latitude as the world-famous coffee growing area Colombia, which is the golden zone of coffee cultivation.


"Simao small seed Coffee" of Pu'er

Coffee has been cultivated in Pu'er City for about 150 years. It was introduced by missionaries and planted sporadically in Lancang, Jiangcheng, Jingdong, Jinggu, Menglian County and other places. The development of coffee industrialization in Pu'er City began in 1988. As the place name of Simao City has been used since coffee was grown on a large scale, and the name used in Yunnan Local Standard DB53/T154.1-10-2006 "Simao small seed Coffee Comprehensive Standard" is also "Simao", Pu'er Coffee still uses the raw material brand of "Simao small seed Coffee". For more than 20 years, the Pu'er municipal party committee and government have always regarded the development of coffee as a dominant backbone industry to adjust the industrial structure and increase farmers' income, and adopted the agricultural industrialization management model of "company + base + farmers + standard". And established a good trade partnership with Nestle Coffee Company, the coffee industry has made great progress.

Because of its geographical location and special climatic environment, the quality of Pu'er coffee has been recognized as a good coffee in the world and favored by world-famous coffee companies. Since 2004, the Bureau of quality and Technical Supervision of Pu'er City has sampled from the coffee industry federation (mixed samples from more than 30 coffee companies in the city) and sent it to the Food quality Supervision, Inspection and testing Center of the Ministry of Agriculture (Chengdu) for testing. BHC (BHC) and DDT have not been detected, and the sanitary indicators are better than the green food standard. Since 2006, Nestl é has sampled coffee purchased from Pu'er and sent it to Yunnan entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau for testing. Agrochemicals banned and restricted by Japan's "positive list system" have not been detected. The excellent inherent quality of Simao small seed coffee is recognized as a first-class product by the International Coffee Organization (ICO). Nestle Coffee Company has newly launched Nestle Fine Coffee (Limited Edition), whose raw beans are Pu'er 's high-quality Simao small seed coffee. And Japan's Dayinam Comprehensive Investment Co., Ltd. (Beijing Jiyiou Coffee Co., Ltd.) has also registered Simao small seed coffee in Japan. In January 2006, the American Special Coffee Association compared Simao small seed coffee with Colombian coffee. The overall score was 85.88% for Colombian coffee and 88.75% for Simao small seed coffee. Pu'er coffee has a certain popularity in the world.