Coffee review

Key points of coffee making 15 kinds of fancy iced coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Iced latte 1. Fill the glass with five minutes of ice and add 10 grams of syrup. 2. Pour the fresh milk into the cup until it is seven minutes full, then stir well so that the syrup is melted into the fresh milk to increase the proportion of fresh milk. 3. Let the coffee slowly pour into the cup along the back of the spoon, not too fast, so as not to destroy the sense of hierarchy. 4. Add two more tablespoons of milk foam.

Iced latte coffee

1. Fill the glass with 5% ice cubes and add 10 grams of syrup.

2. Pour the fresh milk into the cup until it is seven minutes full, then stir well so that the syrup is melted into the fresh milk to increase the proportion of fresh milk.

3. Let the coffee slowly pour into the cup along the back of the spoon, not too fast, so as not to destroy the sense of hierarchy.

4. Add two more tablespoons of milk foam.

2. Mocha Frost Coffee

1. Pour the ice into the blender.

2. Pour in 150CC fresh milk.

3. Pour in the right amount of cocoa powder.

4. Add syrup 10CC.

5. Add 80CC iced coffee, cover the blender, turn on the switch, stir the ice cubes and mix well.

Third, magic ice cream coffee

1. Dig three Vanilla Ice Cream balls into the cup, arrange the ice cream in inverted shape, and add some chocolate sauce to the ice cream.

2. Pour Italian coffee into the gap between the cup wall and the ice cream to avoid damaging the appearance of the ice cream.

3. Add some whipped cream to the ice cream as embellishment to increase the three-dimensional feeling.

4. Use chocolate sauce on whipped cream and ice cream and compose freely again to increase the overall beauty.

Fourth, Paradise Holy Land Coffee

1. Add iced coffee and fill it with 3 minutes.

2. Add 8 minutes of fresh milk, stir iced coffee and milk evenly and add ice cubes.

3. Add fresh milk foam and honey add fresh milk foam to decorate.

5. Jamaican Frost Coffee

1. Add iced coffee 4 minutes full, add ice cubes, add 5 grams of sugar oars.

2. Add ball ice cream and raisins to the ice cream.

6. Southern Love qu iced coffee (plain iced coffee)

1. Add coconut milk 3 minutes full, add 10 grams of syrup, then stir well.

2. Add iced coffee to 8 minutes full, never pour it too fast, so as not to destroy the sense of hierarchy.

3. Sprinkle the cream gun on the iced coffee and add fruit sugar to it.

Idou Hua Shadow Ice Coffee

1. Pour in iced coffee for 5 minutes and add 5 grams of syrup.

2. Add ice, then pour in the milk until 8 minutes full, stir well.

8. Hawaiian iced coffee

1. Pour four ice cubes into the blender and add three slices of pineapple. Add syrup 10CC, add 80CC iced coffee.

2. Cover the blender, turn on the switch, stir the ice cubes and mix well.

9. Rainbow iced coffee

1. Add 15CC honey, 15CC red pomegranate juice, ice cubes 6 minutes full.

2. Add iced coffee for 8 minutes, then add a layer of whipped cream, 1 Strawberry Ice Cream ball and 1 red tasseled peach.

10. Swiss iced coffee

1. Put an egg yolk 15CC honey 10CC brandy with a little cinnamon powder and a chocolate ice cream ball.

2. Add syrup 5CC and 80CC iced coffee.

3. Cover the blender and turn on the switch to crush the ice and mix well.

4. Add a layer of whipped cream to the cup and serve.

Vienna iced coffee

1. Boil a total of 30 grams.

2. Pour into a snow pot with 20 grams of cream and 10 grams of sugar, put in an ice bucket to cool, add some ice cubes and pour into a blue foot cup / helicopter cup evenly.

Finally, squeeze the whipped cream and serve.

12. Strong chocolate iced coffee

1. Brew 30 grams of mixed coffee.

2. Add 20 grams of cream, 10 grams of sugar and a small amount of chocolate sauce to the snow pot, pour in the coffee and stir to cool.

3. Shake with a small amount of ice and pour into a blue foot glass. Squeeze with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate sauce. Serve.

13. Mexican sunset iced coffee

1. Shake with iced coffee 180CC and ice cubes.

Pour into a goblet and squeeze with whipped cream.

3. Pour the brandy and egg yolk mixture into the cream and serve.

14. Lily iced coffee

1. Boil 30 grams of super iced coffee and boil 150CC in water for 1 minute.

2. Pour into the snow kettle, put in the ice bucket, but set aside.

3. Stir in 10CC sugar water in the goblet, then slowly pour in 15CC mint liqueur, let mint wine float on top of sugar water, then slowly pour in coffee and squeeze cream to serve.

Fifteen. Spanish iced coffee

1. Fill the helicopter cup with seven cents full of iced coffee.

2. Add the right amount of syrup and fresh milk.

Then add a cream ice cream ball. That's it.