Coffee review

Four meanings of high-quality coffee and mocha

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, The word Moka Express is a foreign word transliterated and has four meanings in coffee industry terms: 1. Mocha pot comes from the brand name of an aluminum octagonal steam pressurized coffee maker produced by BIALETTI, a famous Italian coffee maker in the 1930s. Because of its simple structure, convenient cooking and reasonable price, it has become a must in the family.

The word mocha is transliterated from a foreign word and has four meanings in coffee industry jargon

1, Moka pot (Moka Express) comes from the 1930s Italy famous coffee maker than Le Di (BIALETTI) production of an aluminum octagonal straight fire steam pressurized coffee pot brand name. Because of its simple structure, brewing convenience, low price and popular, become a necessary coffee appliance at home. From then on, people used to call this principle coffee pot mocha pot.

Mocha Coffee refers to Arabica Coffee, a small variety produced in Yemen that is smaller and rounder than most coffee beans and looks like a bowl. Its appearance is similar to that of Ethiopian Harrar coffee beans, with small particles, high acidity and a slight aroma and spicy taste.

Mocha Port is located at the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen on the east coast of the Red Sea. The west bank of the Red Sea is Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. Historically, it was a world-famous coffee export port.

Moka & Java (Moka & Java) sometimes means coffee and chocolate in the coffee shop menu. Mocha means coffee, java means chocolate.