Coffee review

Coffee beans roast Colombia's top emerald coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Although this top emerald coffee is positioned higher than the SUPREMO, the raw beans vary in size, making it difficult to bake and stopped baking at the start of the second explosion. Although the position of this top emerald coffee is higher than that of SUPREMO, the size of raw beans varies in size, which brings to the roasting.

Although this top emerald coffee is positioned higher than the SUPREMO, the raw beans vary in size, making it difficult to bake and stopped baking at the start of the second explosion.

Baked Colombia's top emerald (Colombia HEIGHT PREMIUM ESMERALDA) on September 6th, 2011.

烘焙哥伦比亚顶级绿宝石(Colombia HEIGHT PREMIUM ESMERALDA)

烘焙哥伦比亚顶级绿宝石(Colombia HEIGHT PREMIUM ESMERALDA)

Although this top emerald coffee is positioned higher than the SUPREMO, the raw beans vary in size, making it difficult to bake and stopped baking at the start of the second explosion.

Brew flannel with 80 degrees water. The taste of the second day is much better than that of the first day (the water temperature on the first day is slightly higher, almost only drinking bitter taste), the dry and wet aroma is not very high, the first few mouthfuls are obviously bitter, then the bitter taste slowly fades away, followed by a cup of coffee with obvious acidity and slight sweetness. Looking forward to the taste after the third day.

It feels like this Colombian coffee is not suitable for deep roasting.