Coffee review

The function of Coffee explains the 10 functions of Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. Eliminate fatigue and activate the brain. two。 Prevent cancer: reduce the risk of bowel and rectal cancer. 3. Help digestion and prevent gastroptosis: but this does not apply to people with stomach problems, who have inflammation of the mucous membranes of digestive organs. 4. Break down fat and control weight. 5. Remove bad breath: can eliminate garlic smell. 6. Promote blood circulation: (for people with a healthy heart) can improve heart function


1. Eliminate fatigue and activate the brain.

two。 Prevent cancer: reduce the risk of bowel and rectal cancer.

3. Help digestion and prevent gastroptosis: but this does not apply to people with stomach problems, who have inflammation of the mucous membranes of digestive organs.

4. Break down fat and control weight.

5. Remove bad breath: can eliminate garlic smell.

6. Promote blood circulation: (for people with a healthy heart) can improve the function of the heart and dilate the blood vessels moderately.

7. Quick defecation: its defecation effect is only effective when drinking in the morning, but not at other times.

8. Treatment of migraine: to treat migraine, it is best to drink with aura.

9. Inhibition of asthma: asthma caused by stimulating the sympathetic nerve and inhibiting the excitement of the parasympathetic nerve.

10. Reduce cholesterol: caffeine can stimulate gallbladder contraction, reduce gallbladder content easy to form gallstone cholesterol.