Coffee review

Basic knowledge of Coffee on the Preservation of Coffee cooked beans

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, After the coffee beans are roasted, the oxidation and aroma volatilization are irreversible. So coffee lovers have always been meticulous about the preservation of beans. This article mainly analyzes the preservation of cooked beans. I hope it will be helpful to you. one。 What is raised beans (single product) freshly roasted coffee beans can not be fully released because of too much carbon dioxide, so they are tasteless. So Dou Bing

After the coffee beans are roasted, the oxidation and aroma volatilization are irreversible. So coffee lovers have always been meticulous about the preservation of beans. This article mainly analyzes the preservation of cooked beans. I hope it will be helpful to you.

one。 What is raised beans (single product)

Freshly roasted coffee beans can not be fully released because of too much carbon dioxide, so they are tasteless. So beans are not as fresh as possible, it takes a period of time to "exhaust", we also call beans, most of the single beans can be drunk after 24 hours, if the baking is relatively shallow, you can drink for one more day.

two。 The best flavor period

The period of drinking after the completion of the cultivation of beans (about 24-48 hours) until obvious defective flavor appears is called the best flavor period. Take moderately baked beans as an example, the best flavor period is about 30 days. If it is light baking, it is about 40-50 days, while the best flavor period of deep baking is short, usually less than 30 days.

The best flavor period mentioned above is established under certain preservation conditions, that is, the three key factors for the preservation of ripe beans: sealing, protection from light and moisture.

Most of the coffee beans bought by beginners in stores or online have exceeded the best flavor period, so the player circle has always scoffed at bulk commercial beans and imported brands. It is often the business that buys baking in recent days or bakes after placing an order to ensure that the beans are received as fresh as possible.

three。 A bag of coffee and cooked beans

Most of them are one-way exhaust valve bags lined with aluminum foil. Aluminum foil can block light and air. The function of the one-way exhaust valve is to discharge too much carbon dioxide so that the bag will not burst without opening.

The bag is useless when you get the coffee beans. Because once the bean cultivation is completed, there is no need to let it exhaust again. When you press the exhaust valve around the smell of coffee, in addition to carbon dioxide, there are many fragrances are also discharged and lost. So changing the seal of the container is the first step, and when you want to drink coffee and open the lid, you will complete the exhaust.

For example, we use Kraft paper aluminum foil bags with one-way exhaust valves and seals that can be used repeatedly, but this kind of packaging is not suitable for long-term preservation of cooked beans. So the jar of one-way exhaust valve is also not recommended.

four。 Flavor trend of oxidation process

After finishing the cultivation of beans, the flavor trend is as follows

1. The acid is sharp and bright → 2. The bright aroma of acidity enhances → 3. The acidity softens the aroma and sweetness of → 4. All kinds of flavors tend to balance → 5. The sour taste and the diminished aroma began to appear in → 6. The stale defective flavor is obvious (beyond the best flavor period).

The speed of this process varies according to the preservation and baking depth of cooked beans, and other people's taste experience and taste ability are different, so some people can feel this phased change in 3 days, while others think it will take 5 days to change. The arrow mark is for reference. Because the flavor is constantly changing, you should actually decide the length of the bean cultivation and the best flavor period according to the taste you drink.

five。 About Italian beans

Italian style uses high pressure extraction, the flavor is magnified and compact, so it is not suitable when the flavor is too bright or too exciting, which is why Italian style mostly uses medium baking degree and blended beans, the purpose is to make the flavor balanced and reduce the irritation.

Therefore, the flavor trends of 3 and 4 in the flavor trend mark are more suitable for Italian style. In addition, Italian extraction of soybean oil that is too fresh will be very rough, affect the taste and appearance and dissipate quickly.

This is why Italian beans take longer than individual products, often in a week or more.

Six. On the selection of sealed containers

It has been said before that the bag of one-way exhaust valve will give off too much aroma, so even if it can be sealed repeatedly, it is not suitable for long-term use.

So sealed cans are the first choice, try to choose no smell, opaque sealed cans, and sealed cans are not necessarily equal to sealing. It is normal that most sealed cans will leak a little bit. And there is also air in the jar, coffee beans will continue to oxidize more slowly. So the seal is to extend the life of the fresh.

Brother Bird has bought various types of sealed cans and patted them with several at hand.

seven。 Low temperature and low humidity is the top priority.

Many friends will find that beans show defective flavor more quickly in summer than in winter. High temperature and high humidity should be avoided, so the freezing method has always been recommended under the premise of sealing. Of course, if you can finish it in a relatively short time, the flavor change preserved at room temperature is acceptable.

Freezing is not cold storage, that is, coffee beans should be placed on frozen ice and frozen meat, not on the refrigerated layer of preservation. Because although the fresh-keeping environment is low, but the humidity is too high, which is not conducive to the preservation of beans, the frozen area has a lower temperature and very low humidity, by the way, it also corrects a misunderstanding that freezing is very dry and will not be wet.

The reason for using freezing to preserve beans is very simple, because freezing is still the best way to prolong the life of food materials, regardless of chicken, duck, fish, even human organs and the world seed bank, as well as male tadpoles, ah, ha, ha. it's widespread. Scientifically speaking, low temperatures slow down the movement of molecules. In vernacular, freezing can lock ingredients in a relatively stable state.

So do not freeze immediately in order to maintain high freshness, it should be frozen when you think it is the best flavor after the beans are finished. The water content of ripe beans is very low, so it will not freeze and can be used directly after being taken out. There's nothing magical about it. Rice and mung beans won't freeze even if they are frozen.

eight。 Attention and shortcomings in the use of frozen beans

As I just said, freezing will not freeze the beans, and they can be ground directly after being taken out. After taking out the quantity that needs to be made, it should be frozen as soon as possible to avoid condensation on the surface of the remaining beans because of the temperature difference. Of course, there is no need to put it back in a hurry, the shell of the sealed jar can still be kept warm for a few minutes, which is enough time to take out the amount needed and weigh it. In addition, there is no need to say that the frozen environment is as clean as possible, avoid smelling, or the container is sealed enough to avoid this problem.

This small sealed jar of Tupperware can hold about 20 grams, and each serving can be sealed and frozen independently, which can not only quickly remove other beans without affecting other beans, but also save time for weighing. I have recommended the store to use it, but there are not many adopters. Mostly because it's troublesome.

Another small disadvantage of the freezing method is that the flavor will become a little dull, but the effect is very small. The freezing method can prolong the best flavor period of the beans by a few months, so this small disadvantage is negligible compared with the stale miscellaneous flavor.

For friends who are slow to use beans, you can also use the simplest experiment to verify the freezing method, dividing the cooked beans into two, one sealed at room temperature, one sealed and frozen, and the answer will be clear after 2.3 months, so the method is provided. it depends on how to use it.