Coffee review

Coffee Culture The Birth of Instant Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The coffee legend has evolved into many romantic stories. There is a popular story about a shepherd in the Ethiopian desert who was surprised to discover one day, more than 1000 years ago, that his sheep were so excited after eating red coffee cherries that even old goats could run and jump like lambs. The shepherd told his discovery to some monks,

The legend of coffee has been translated into many romantic stories.

A popular story is that more than 1000 years ago, a shepherd in the Ethiopian desert was surprised to find that his sheep were so excited after eating red coffee fruits that even old goats could run and jump like lambs. The shepherd told some monks about his findings, who made a drink from coffee fruit and found that they could keep a clear head for a long time after drinking it. The news soon spread, and this magical drink quickly became popular.

In 1651, this magical coffee began to be shipped to Europe in large quantities. By the end of the 17th century, with the popularity of coffee, cafes could be seen everywhere in Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Britain. Subsequently, coffee was introduced to America and soon became popular all over the United States.