Coffee review

Coffee basics non-coffee drinks in cafes

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Milk tea, which originated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has evolved into many different schools after thousands of years of development. we are familiar with British milk tea, Hot Tea, HK Style, Malaysia pull tea, Indian milk tea, butter tea, Mongolian milk tea and the infamous Taiwan milk tea. Different milk teas have strong regional characteristics. At present, Hot Tea, HK Style and tabletop milk tea are the mainstream in Shanghai.

Milk tea, which originated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, has evolved into many different schools after thousands of years of development. we are familiar with British milk tea, Hot Tea, HK Style, Malaysia pull tea, Indian milk tea, butter tea, Mongolian milk tea and the infamous Taiwan milk tea. Different milk teas have strong regional characteristics. At present, Hot Tea, HK Style and tabletop milk tea are the mainstream in Shanghai. Phellodendron mandshurica (Thunb.)

"Milk" of Milk Tea

Different milk teas use different kinds of milk. British milk tea and Indian milk tea use fresh milk, Mongolian milk tea uses sheep's milk or yak's milk, buttered tea uses ghee, Hot Tea, HK Style and Malaysian tea use light milk. on the other hand, the Taiwan milk tea, which has successfully created the brain disabled generation in the mainland, chooses pure artificially refined cream powder. From a health point of view, there is no doubt that Mongolian milk tea and buttered tea are the best, followed by light milk, followed by milk, and milk essence is not only unhealthy, but also does great harm to the cardiovascular system of the human body. The most important thing is that cream will affect people's cognitive ability to a great extent. Generally speaking, it will become what people call mental disability, especially for young people who are in the stage of development. The curative effect is better.

The "tea" of milk tea

Like the milk of milk tea, different kinds of milk tea choose different kinds of tea. British milk tea and Indian milk tea are very close to each other because of their well-known historical origin. Milk crisp tea and Mongolian milk tea generally use brick tea, that is, selling tea while selling tea, although the quality of selling tea is really unflattering, but as a nomadic people really lack vegetables, so they can only give in. Maybe this is the reason why salt is added to buttered tea and Mongolian milk tea. The tea used by Hot Tea, HK Style and Malaysian tea is generally mixed tea, most of which are produced in Ceylon and Sri Lanka, which are subdivided into crude tea, medium tea and young tea. In Hong Kong, almost every famous milk tea shop has its own secret recipe. Since Taiwan milk tea has been popular all over the country, in order to suit China's national conditions, tea powder has been selected. The main ingredients of tea powder include: tea powder, tea stalk and so on.