Coffee review

Ingredients and methods of Italian Coffee fancy Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, 1 iced latte this is a coffee that uses the principle of specific gravity to cause a hierarchical change to increase the visual effect. Using this principle, coffee can make unlimited changes, depending on individual creativity, preferences, mood to any combination of changes. The step of brewing iced latte: step 1: fill the glass with five minutes of ice, and then pour in the syrup. Step 2: pour the fresh milk into

1 iced latte coffee

This is a coffee that uses the principle of specific gravity to create a hierarchical change to increase the visual effect. Using this principle, coffee can make unlimited changes, depending on individual creativity, preferences, mood to any combination of changes.

Steps for brewing iced lattes:

Step 1: fill the glass with five-minute ice cubes and pour in the syrup.

Step 2: pour the fresh milk into the cup until it is seven minutes full, then stir evenly to melt the syrup into the fresh milk to increase the proportion of fresh milk.

Step 3: let the coffee slowly pour into the cup along the back of the spoon. The speed of pouring in must not be too fast, so as not to destroy the sense of hierarchy.

Step 4: add another three tablespoons of milk foam to form an iced latte with three levels.

2 Russian coffee

Let the body dissolve in warmth

Russian coffee

The so-called hot mocha horizon is coffee with a strong and steady flavor.

What to do: put the chocolate into the boiling water to melt or slightly thicken cocoa and egg yolk, then add a small amount of milk to heat and stir well with the deep-roasted coffee. Pour a tablespoon of sugar into a cup, stir well, and float it with 1 tablespoon of whipped cream. When you're done, peel some chocolates and sprinkle them.

3 Russian strong iced coffee

Hot russian coffee

Plus marmalade and cream are more like the well-known Russian tea maiden coffee series in the adult drink black tea. Marmalade and fresh cream are characterized by a hint of glycol.

What to do: pour in the hot coffee that is baked, and add your favorite marmalade and fresh cream.

4 French Belle Coffee

Full of infinite homesickness

Coffee with a country flavor from Berkeley, France. Sweet and sour flavor, although it is the first time to sip, but can feel endless nostalgia, recall the past night this is the best companion.

Practice: add a few drops of your favorite wine to the deep-roasted coffee and you can enjoy the unique blending taste of coffee and wine.

5 French milk coffee

The first to drink coffee mixed with milk is said to be Nehov, governor of the Dutch city of Badawiya in Indonesia in 1660. He was inspired by drinking English milk tea, so he tried to add milk to his coffee. Unexpectedly, the coffee after adding milk tasted smoother and smoother. In addition to the strong aroma of coffee, there was a faint smell of milk, which was still better than milk tea. However, this method of drinking milk coffee did not spread in his hometown of Holland, but became very popular in France and became an indispensable drink on the French breakfast table. In French milk coffee, the ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1, so when making orthodox French milk coffee, you should hold the milk pot and coffee pot with both hands and pour it into the coffee cup at the same time, so you need considerable wrist strength. Because of the high latitude and cold climate in France, when drinking this kind of milk coffee, we usually choose a cup such as a mug or a large bowl without a handle, so that we can keep warm by holding the cup with both hands when drinking.

Steps for making French Milk Coffee:

Step 1: pour the coffee into the special kettle of French milk coffee. You can choose deep-fried and strong coffee.

Step 2: pour the hot milk into another jug. The ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1.

Step 3: pour coffee and milk together. When pouring in, it should be noted that the outflow of the two pots should be the same.

6 Pharisee coffee

Farizer coffee seems to be in coffee, but in fact he is drinking, hence the name "Barrissey". This is Australian coffee. At present, if people still want to drink since the morning, they will call this coffee when they go to the coffee shop on the street.

What to do: put ten grams of sugar in the cup and 20CC lime while stirring with a spoon into the deep-roasted coffee. Add cream and a few drops of wine.

7 Fleming Coffee

Flamming coffee

It is named after Napoleon's favorite coffee, "Coffee Bryant" and "Coffee Brewlett". The burning flames from the lemon peel dripped down brandy, a highly dramatic coffee. Please be sure to share when friends gather for the party.

What to do: prepare a certain amount of sugar and hot coffee in advance. Put the deep cup into the brandy and soak the spiral lemon peel in it. After lighting the fire, put it on the cup, let the fragrance of lemon spread, and the brandy drips slowly.

8 Royal Coffee

The origin of the royal coffee is said to have been invented by Napoleon during his expedition to Soviet Russia because of the cold winter, so he ordered people to add brandy to the coffee to keep warm. Royal Coffee later spread with Napoleon's prestige. Just brewed royal coffee, in the dancing blue and white flame, suddenly burst into a mellow of brandy, seducing the expectant sense of taste. The snow-white sugar cube slowly turned into a seductive sweetness, then mixed with a strong aroma of coffee, sipping a sip, making people fantasize about the grace and joy of sitting in a palace for no reason. Adding alcohol to coffee is another way to taste coffee. Coffee and brandy, vodka, whiskey and other wines are very suitable for blending, especially with brandy. Brandy is generally fermented and redistilled into wine, which is slightly sweet in its bitterness and bitterness with coffee, which is not only a favorite of men, but also popular with women.

The brewing steps of Royal Coffee:

Step 1: after brewing the coffee, put a spoon with a hook in front of the cup, and then put a cube sugar in the spoon.

Step 2: let the brandy pour into a spoon along the top of the sugar cube, so that the sugar fully soaks the brandy.

Step 3: light a fire on the sugar cube, make the brandy burn slowly, and let the sugar melt slowly with the flame.

Step 4: after the alcohol is completely evaporated, put the spoon into the cup and stir well.

9 cappuccino coffee

Cappuccino coffee (Cappuccino)

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the Italian Azibucha invented the steam pressure coffee machine, he also developed cappuccino coffee. Cappuccino is filled with steamed milk on strong coffee. At this time, the color of coffee is like a cappuccino monk covering a dark brown coat with a headscarf, hence the name caffeine. There are monasteries of the Cappuccino Church all over Italy, the most famous of which is the skeletal Temple of Rome, which was built in 1624. If you have a chance to visit Rome, don't forget to go to the skeletal Temple to see the monks' costumes!

The steps for making cappuccino coffee:

Step 1: pour in the brewed Italian coffee about five cents full, then pour the hot and foamed milk to eight cents full.

Step 2: pour the milk foam on the top of the steel cup. Finally, sprinkle with a little cinnamon or chocolate powder as you like.

10 Herbalife blue coffee

As long as you add the right amount of whipped cream to the espresso, you can easily finish a cup of Campbell blue. Because it is only added with whipped cream, it is sometimes called a "one-headed carriage". The fresh white cream floats gently on the deep coffee, just like a white lotus flower that comes out of the mud and makes one cannot bear to drink it.

Steps for brewing Herbalife Blue Coffee:

Add fresh cream to a small cup of Italian coffee to make a cup of Campbell blue.

11 Maria Taylor Gia Coffee

A fascinating taste

Legend has it that Maria, Queen of Austria in the middle of the eighteenth century. Taylor, because of his love of coffee, coffee is widely loved by the public in Vienna. This work is named because the Queen is very fond of it.

What to do: put orange wine 20CC in the cup and pour it into the deep-roasted coffee. Add a full cup of whipped cream and decorate it with candy. Enjoy the night when you want to relax.

12 Melanise Coffee

Have a light drink with full milk

Melange coffee

Melange Coffee means "mixed" in French. The same amount of coffee is mixed with raw milk to form Viennese hot coffee.

What to do: pour a slightly deeper medium-roasted coffee into the cup. Then put the same amount of milk as coffee in a handheld pan and heat it, then stir it in a foam before boiling. Gently add to the coffee before the foam disappears.

13 Masakron, USA

Cool and refreshing

Mazagran americanno

A long time ago, an Arab soldier was trapped in the city of Algeria during a war with the French army. He had the help of this coffee to keep him alive. That American change is really full of pride. This is unsweetened. If you want it to be sweet, you can adjust it with syrup.

What to do: pour about half a cup of deep-roasted strong coffee into a cup full of ice. Add lemon 10CC and soda. It looks even cooler if it is decorated with lemon slices.

14 mocha iced coffee

Cafe mocha freeze

Like Scherk.

Like ice cream coffee. It looks very delicious, and the key point of its production is to solidify it before melting.

Use a blender to stir ice, iced coffee, chocolate syrup 20CC and mocha ice cream together. The point at this point is not to stir too much. Add chocolate to the edge of the cup to make it salivate from all around. Then pour in the stirred liquid, and finally peel some chocolate to garnish.

15 mocha Frost Coffee

In Europe, when it comes to "mocha", it means coffee with chocolate. As the name implies, mocha Frost Coffee is an iced coffee with chocolate. Break ice cubes and ice cream with a fruit sweat machine to create a dense visual effect that gives a delicate and smooth taste; in terms of taste, the combination of coffee and chocolate is also an excellent combination. Finally, add the pre-brewed iced coffee to complete a cup of cool and mellow mocha frost coffee. On a hot summer afternoon, a cup of iced coffee is enough to make people enjoy a cool afternoon.

Brewing steps of mocha Frost Coffee:

Step 1: put the ice into the blender.

Step 2: pour in the fresh milk from 150cc.

Step 3: pour in the right amount of cocoa powder.

Step 4: add about 20cc syrup

Step 5: add iced coffee to 80cc. Close the lid of the blender and turn on the switch to crush the ice and mix well. Pour the finished product into the glass.

16 mocha ice cream coffee

Soft mocha frosty

Fill it with chocolate

Slightly bitter coffee and slightly sweet chocolate brew a wonderful balance, which is dessert iced coffee. The decisive point of flavor is chocolate candy and chocolate ice. The dual use of chocolate.

What to do: add chocolate syrup 20CC to the deep-roasted coffee and stir it carefully. Pour this into a glass filled with ice and add chocolate ice. Add milk when you're done. And sprinkle some chocolate granules.

17 magic ice cream coffee

This is an iced coffee full of creativity and variety. Pour espresso on the cold Vanilla Ice Cream, then use chocolate sauce to make up the whipped cream and ice cream. With the heat of the coffee, the ice cream gradually melts and is mixed with whipped cream. The patterns painted by chocolate sauce also bloom with the melting of ice cream, followed by a wild three-dimensional landscape painting. In the sense of taste, it is also gradually integrated from the difference between hot and cold at the beginning, sweet and bitter, and full of imagination and change in the taste in the process of blending. When adding ice cream to coffee as a taste change, we must pay attention to the choice of ice cream flavor is not too strong, otherwise it is easy to destroy the original flavor of coffee. Therefore, Vanilla Ice Cream is the best choice, because it has a light aroma and refreshing taste, when combined with coffee, not only will not destroy the original mellow coffee and taste, but also can increase the flavor of coffee.

Steps for making magic ice cream coffee:

Step 1: dig three balls of Vanilla Ice Cream into the cup, arrange the ice cream in inverted shape, and add some chocolate sauce to the ice cream.

Step 2: pour Italian coffee into the gap between the cup edge and the ice cream to avoid damaging the appearance of the ice cream.

Step 3: add some whipped cream as embellishment on the ice cream ball to increase the three-dimensional feeling.

Step 4: use chocolate sauce on whipped cream and ice cream and compose freely again to increase the overall beauty.

18 latte coffee

It is a coffee that uses the principle of specific gravity to cause a hierarchical change to increase the visual effect. First of all, mix fructose and milk into two distinct layers of black and white, brewing a graceful visual effect, and then add a little milk foam to form a gradual sense of pearl white, coffee brown and ivory white, giving people an elegant and romantic warm feeling. Using the same principle, coffee can make unlimited changes, such as mixing coffee with fructose, increasing the proportion of coffee, forming the change of coffee at the bottom and milk at the top. Or do not add milk foam, but add fruit sweat to increase the color change. All kinds of changes can be combined arbitrarily according to individual creativity, preferences and mood.

Steps for making lattes:

Step 1: first pour the espresso to 1 cup of coffee, then pour in the hot and foamed milk at 3 cup.

Step 2: pour the milk foam from the top of the steel cup to the full cup. Latte coffee because of more fresh milk, generally use mugs.

19 Naples Coffee

Morning coffee

Caffee naporitanno

Hot morning coffee with strong bitterness. Dawn coffee is more popular among young people in the United States than morning coffee.

What to do: pour deep-roasted hot coffee into a large cup. Then float on it with thick slices of lemon and drink it without milk.

20 Turkish coffee

Full of exotic interest

Turkish coffee

Old-fashioned traditional coffee from Turkey. It is said that there is a habit of coffee fortune-telling in Turkey. After drinking coffee, the coffee grounds deposited at the bottom of the cup are covered on a plate to predict the fate of the day according to what it looks like.

Practice: put the deep-roasted coffee beans in a milk bowl and grind them into a very fine powder and grind them together with cinnamon and other spices. Then put these into the pot, add water and boil, about 3 times repeatedly boil.

Wait for the coffee grounds to settle at the bottom of the calyx-shaped cup, and then pour out the clarified coffee liquid on the top layer. Sometimes lemon or honey can be added. Be careful that if you don't pour it out gently, even the coffee grounds will fall out.

21 Vienna iced coffee

Wiener eis kaffee

Enough weight is charm.

This coffee can also be enjoyed as a dessert. A substitute for vanilla iced coffee is also good for coffee or chocolate flavor.

What to do: pour iced coffee into a frozen cup and add ice cream. It is topped with whipped cream and crushed cookies.

22 coconut cappuccino

The fluttering fragrance is exhilarating

Coconut cappuccino

Enjoy the delicious coffee with the flavor of coconut kernel. Floating with the fragrance of coconut nuts.

How to do it: drop 2 drops of coconut essence into the cup and pour in the deep-roasted coffee. Then pour in 60CC's boiled milk, add cream, and decorate the baked coconut kernels.

23 Indian coffee

Enjoy the sweetness of aromatic alcohol

Indian coffee

Only a little salt can make the delicious milk taste more obvious. Fill a wide cup and then sip it, you can get infinite warmth in body and mind.

Practice: pour milk into the pot and heat it up. Add deep-roasted coffee with brown sugar 10CC and a small amount of salt before boiling and then stir carefully. Instead of brown sugar, use black sugar and honey also OK.