Coffee review

Coffee filter paper brewing method the easiest way to brew coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The filter paper brewing method is the simplest method. The German Merita Anz invented the filter paper brewing method in 1908. This brewing method is suitable for personal use, simple and convenient, and the coffee is mellow, but if you don't grasp it well, it's easy to get sour and need more practice. Brewing coffee is similar to filter cloth brewing, choosing coffee beans that have been roasted for a long time to be ground into powder for 5 minutes.

The filter paper brewing method is the simplest method. The German Merita Anz invented the filter paper brewing method in 1908. This brewing method is suitable for personal use, simple and convenient, and the coffee is mellow, but if you don't grasp it well, it's easy to get sour and need more practice. Brewing coffee is similar to filter cloth brewing, in which coffee beans that have been roasted for a long time are ground into powder and brew out the ingredients in the coffee in 5 minutes. Filters and filter paper can be made in different sizes according to the amount of coffee being brewed.

(1) preparation utensils: coffee cup, coffee spoon, pointed pot, filter cup, filter paper, measuring spoon, transparent glass pot, bean grinder.

(2) Coffee powder dosage and grindability: 15 grams (half spoon) of coffee beans. Degree of grinding: moderate.

(3) Water quantity: 200 ml of hot water.

(4) ① folds the professional filter paper and puts it into the brewing cup correctly. ② uses a professional coffee powder spoon to pour the coffee powder into the filter paper according to the number of people, and then flatten the surface of the coffee powder. ③ put 95-100C hot water into a special pointed pot and let the hot water slowly soak all the coffee powder. ④ when the coffee powder is fully expanded, pour hot water into the coffee powder surface for the second time, pay attention to the amount of water used. ⑤ can remove the brewer when the coffee is almost dripping. Features: the method is simple, the filter paper must be changed once, it is clean and hygienic, and the amount of water can be adjusted according to one's own taste.

(5) Note: the amount of ① coffee powder depends on your taste. For those who like light coffee, the amount of powder is about 16g / person; the amount of powder that likes strong bitter taste is about 24g / person. Steam thoroughly and slowly pour into boiling water. Do not drop the extract filtered by ② to the last drop, if all of it is finished, there may be miscellaneous odors or impurities. ③ warms the coffee to such an extent that it does not boil before pouring it into the cup. The coffee that may come out of ④ at first may be very sour, because in addition to poor control of water output, the quality of the coffee itself, such as freshness and particle size, are also important factors.