Coffee review

Barista must read the duty of the director of the bar.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many of the friends considered are very proficient in the bar management department. 1. According to the company's guidelines, safeguard the company's interests, support the company's rules and regulations, and actively promote the use of the company's materials and equipment. obey the arrangement of the manager in the store and be responsible for the overall affairs of the bar. 2. The bar staff can be allocated reasonably and arranged uniformly. 3. Yes

Many friends who are considering are very proficient in the bar management department to send this post.

I. the work duties of the bar director

1. According to the company's guidelines, safeguard the company's interests, support the company's rules and regulations, actively promote the use of the company's materials and equipment, obey the arrangement of the manager in the store, and be responsible for the overall affairs of the bar.

2. The bar staff can be allocated reasonably and arranged uniformly.

3. The requirements and regulations for the bar should be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the guidance of new students should be tireless, the promotion of cadres should be based on merit, and there should be unified norms for the improvement of coffee and other drinks, and be able to adjust measures according to time and local conditions.

4. According to the business area of the store, the number of equipment can be evaluated scientifically, and the equipment can be arranged in an organized manner according to the layout of the bar.

5. Have a comprehensive understanding of the maintenance and correct use of machines and equipment.

6. on the premise of ensuring product quality, according to the sales of products, make plans for the entry and delivery of raw materials, do a good job in cost control, optimal allocation of resources and recycling.

7. Be able to look at the overall situation in the bar and call on all the staff at the bar to carry out the orders of their superiors.

8. Improve the quality of bar staff and make good use of them.

9. Adhere to the principle of being hard-working and putting it into practice, and contribute to your own strength.

Second, the routine work of the bar director

1. Early A. The head of the bar should determine the working hours, direct and off shifts or two shifts according to the peak business hours and personnel skills. B.11Rang45 should be checked for personal dress and mental outlook, and go to work 15 minutes in advance. Check the overall mental outlook, hygiene and stock condition of the bar after entering the bar. D.12PUR 00PUR 1215 listen to the foreman's report and timely respond to the arrangement, check the work handover book and other documents, and make plans and arrangements according to the reflected information. E.12PUR 15PUR 12RV 20 check whether the temperature in the store is moderate and the light is bright. F.12Rom 20MU 12RU 30 make on-the-spot observation.

2. Afternoon tea according to the business situation, communicate with various departments and put forward reasonable suggestions.

3. Handover and night shift to check guest's opinions and internal text information. Adjust the lighting in the store properly

4. Evening shift

Third, how to preside over the working meeting

1. Purpose of the meeting A. Effective communication. b. To convey new information. c. Supervise the staff and coordinate the contradictions. d. Reach a consensus to solve the problem. e. Develop new products and draw on collective wisdom.

2. Understand the two types of meetings. 1) meetings that convey messages. a. The latest announcement and documents issued by the company. b. The latest new product materials of the training department. c. Explain the tasks assigned by the store manager. d. A summary of the work done some time ago. e. The schedule for the next working hour. 2) problem-solving meetings. a. New problems encountered in work. b. The last meeting reflected the solution of the problem. c. All kinds of unexpected situations need to be negotiated together.

3. How to hold the meeting 1) the 5W of the meeting. WHY: purpose of the meeting. WHAT: the topic of discussion. WHO: attendees. WHEN: the time to start and end. WHERE: meeting venue and equipment. 2) preparation before the meeting. a. The purpose of this meeting. b. Determine the format of the meeting. c. The process of scheduling a meeting. d. Study how to arrange the meeting place. e. Determine the material for the meeting. 3) consideration before the meeting. a. Whether the goal of the meeting is clear. b. The schedule of the meeting. c. Is there a better way. d. The level of participants. 4) the principle of effective meetings. a. Only hold meetings that are necessary. The message must be conveyed to many people at the same time, praise and criticism in public, brainstorming by the department, listening to staff reports, and assigning new tasks to the department. b. The host prepares in advance. Set communication goals, make meeting plans, prepare possible disputes, and analyze your own strengths and weaknesses. c. Reach an effective agreement and consensus. Point out the difficulties, identify the problems, measure the severity of the problems, come up with new methods, discuss together, and assign a work plan.

4. The skills of hosting meetings 1) the diversity of holding meetings and different styles of meetings. 2) explain the contents of the meeting and submit a written summary before the meeting. 3) you cannot speak alone or give the participants time to speak. 4) pay attention to the way of asking. 5) pay attention to the expression of your language. 6) accept feedback information, can not do on-site solutions to make a record.

5. The deficiency of the current working meeting; the meeting time is too long and the company's resources are too long to entangle trivial matters. Subordinates are disappointed with the organization. Officers say that subordinates listen to one-way communication and will listen to whether they will do the same thing. Next time, problem solving is inefficient and free and loose. After missing the topic and forgetting the topic, everyone thought that someone was doing it. The problem still exists. The unclear division of labor causes employees to complain about the ambiguity of the concept of meetings and training. 6. the improvement of current work meetings, face-to-face communication, in-depth understanding of all information, an exchange of resources, sharing views, building consensus and team consciousness. Strengthen the assignment work is fair, reasonable, orderly and effective

Fourth, how to do a good job in the training work through a formal and organized way to impart professional knowledge, work skills, mutual cooperation and other knowledge to the trainees, so that the trainees can acquire relevant ideas.

1. Why to train? 1) to train the newcomers to quickly understand the requirements on the spot. 2) to meet the job standard requirements of employees. 3) to meet the requirements of the enterprise development plan for the quality of the staff. 4) to meet the design requirements of career. 5) the efficient way for trainers to convey information and enhance their competitiveness. 6) shorten the gap between the development needs of the company and the current situation at the grass-roots level. 7) training plays a role in promoting on-site management. 8) the most powerful measures for the development of trainers' manpower data.

2, when to train 1) there is a new message to be conveyed by the company or store. 2) the mentality of the personnel is not balanced, the morale is not high, and the centripetal force is lacking. 3) due to poor discipline, the supervisor appears to be incompetent in management. 4) there is a big difference between skills and post work. 5) when there are great changes in manpower, more beginners, and mood swings.

3. Analysis of the characteristics of adult training short attention time to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere will be arranged when the students are focused, forget quickly and systematically review and summarize what has been said, and point out the key points and difficulties. Strong purpose to fully consider the needs of students, pay attention to the practicality of the content, and provide more cases and successful experiences. Strong self-awareness gives students recognition and opportunities for performance. The use of questions, role-playing and other ways.

4. The formulation of the training content: collecting materials, outline model, conceiving content: introduction, discussion, argument, writing, making a timetable for a class.

5. the basic skills of the training site are teaching method, discussion method, role-playing method and game method.

6. train people's basic skills: pronunciation, intonation, speed, natural expression, eye contact, standing, moving posture.

7. Evaluate the training performance A. Evaluate the students' recognition of the course, the degree of acceptance of the training, the degree of absorption of knowledge, the degree of cooperation of the students B. The degree of perfection of one's own evaluation and preparation, training skills, attitude

5. Key points of cost control

1) the price of materials is unstable and fluctuates greatly. 2) the stocktaking is not accurate, and there is the phenomenon of leakage and multiple trays. 3) the stock of raw materials is large, and the shelf life is unknown. 4) the turnover has dropped so much that it is too late to adjust. 5) the purchase quality is not up to standard, resulting in waste. 6) unreasonable waste and no cost consciousness. 7) the purchase price is not competitive and opaque.

2, how to prevent abnormal cost 1) price rise or shortage of goods, look for substitutes in time. 2) the regular decline in turnover can be predicted, and the stock volume can be reduced in advance. 3) check the inventory table in detail to see the error. 4) grasp the storage quantity and shelf life to prevent deterioration. 5) inventory can be kept in advance before the change of seasons. 6) reasonable utilization of materials to prevent waste in operation. 7) do market research with distinct pertinence.

3, the whole process of cost control purchase-purchase-acceptance-inventory-pick-up-use

4. Analysis and inspection of abnormal cost 1) raw material purchase and process inspection. 2) Transparency of purchase inquiry quotation. 3) strict inspection system. 4) in and out of storage and access system. 5) cost accounting. 6) Control inventory.

5. Change of habitual thinking. 1) can passenger flow be increased? 2) can types of work and processes be simplified? 3) can accumulated experience be used? 4) can equipment be updated to achieve energy saving?

How to do a good job in the development of new products

1. The function and significance of developing new products. 1) the menu is old and some changes are needed to meet the needs of guests. 2) supplement the meal plate to meet the needs of special groups in some areas. 3) seasonal change, add the flexibility of the meal plate in the season. 4) stimulate the consumption of some curious guests to achieve sales promotion. 5) drinks are more fashionable, show the grade, and enhance the competitiveness in the same trade. 6) set up new products according to the age of consumption to show supply and demand in this aspect.

2. Matters needing attention in the development of new products 1) Food safety 2) pricing of new products 3) material supply 4) attention to the purchase of utensils 5) Nutrition or efficacy of drinks (highlights) 6) whether they are targeted: seasons, holidays, business locations, promotion 7) the sensory function of drinks to people

3, the new product development process 1) the formula is tried out, revised and unified inside and outside. 2) the purchase of materials and appliances. 3) Advertising promotion. 4) the collection of customer opinions. 5) data preservation and information exchange.

4, how to promote new products 1) commonly used methods: small meal board advertisements, banners, posters and so on. 2) sales promotion principle: based on the principle of seeking truth from facts, pay attention to integrity.

5. The trend of new product development is 1) to the development of drinks with regional characteristics. 2) there is more room for development of special fruit mixed drinks. 3) fancy multi-flavored fruits will be the highlight of development. 4) Promotion and popularization of espresso.

7. Bar recording text description

1. Work handover book: the foreman and the bar manager use it to record the day's hygiene, equipment operation and work matters that need to be handed over, to facilitate the follow-up of matters and the common knowledge of bar things, so as to achieve information sharing. (for example, the handover model of a morning shift is as follows) date: Thursday, February 24, 2007: morning shift recorder: Cheng Xiaoxiao 1. Hygiene condition of the evening shift: A. the lower plate of the muffin machine is stained with more oil and muffin pulp. (morning shift has been cleaned) B. there are sundries (paper towels, fruit forks) under the water heater at the water cooler. 2. power supply, electrical appliances operation status: a, a dimmer is burnt out, purchase is under purchase, it is expected to be replaced at 6:30 in the evening, please follow up. B, B7 chandelier is not lit, because some guests can not be replaced, please change after the guests leave. Working condition: A. because the pineapple was bought late, but it has been cut, please burn Phoenix pear juice on the evening shift. B, February 25th shop meeting, please get ready for the meeting. C. Strawberry Milk Tea of the fresh-keeping cabinet was left behind by accident this morning. Please deal with it on the night shift. Thank you. D, Sanfeng Tsui cleaning is not clean in the card area, please wash it again.

2. Material receiving book: specially register the records of materials received from the warehouse, the purpose is: 1) both sides to ensure the accuracy of material data, in case something happens to check with the warehouse. 2) it can reflect the total amount of materials received in a month and the values used in each major item, so it is convenient for the bar to know the amount used this month and can compare it month by month. In order to control costs.

3. Equipment inventory book: it is recommended to take inventory once a day.

4. Alcohol and tobacco inventory book: cigarettes are counted at least 3 times a day and alcohol at least once a day.

5. Fruit record book: the fruit with one product name is recorded in the same place.

6. work error book: the format is as follows: the date and matter are recorded as follows: the reason for the party's signature, the foreman's signature bar, the head of the desk recheck that Yangmei made hot Strawberry Milk Tea on June 25th, and the red bayberry Cheng Xiaoxiao and Wudong noodles were punished for working overtime twice. Zhao long spilled a bottle of apple juice on July 1st, resulting in waste. Record a work mistake Zhao long is difficult to make eggplant winter noodles.

7. Monthly work line examples: set monthly routine and planned tasks in advance so that they can be completed in an orderly and timely manner. It is jointly produced by the bar director and the foreman every month.