Coffee review

Coffee machine common sense true and false hario siphon pot comparison total strategy

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Japanese hario is the first choice for siphon pots. What's so good about it? In addition to exquisite workmanship, the last step of siphon production is to use a cold wet cloth to cool the next pot. This step is to prevent the high temperature of the next pot from causing the reflux coffee to zoom and affect the taste. Domestic glass may crack because of instant cooling. This is rarely the case with Japanese products. Also because of the excellent quality and reputation of hario, it leads to

The first choice for siphoning pots is Japanese Hario. What's good about it? In addition to exquisite workmanship, the final step of siphon production requires cold damp cloth to cool the next pot. This step is to prevent the high temperature of the next pot from causing the coffee to zoom and affect the taste. Domestic glass may crack due to instantaneous cooling. Japanese goods rarely occur in this case. Also because hario quality is excellent and famous, resulting in fakes flying everywhere, and fakes are also divided into imitation goods and fine imitation goods, making it difficult to distinguish. Recently, many new friends asked me how to distinguish the true and false of hario siphon, so I organized this post for your reference. hario3-person siphon pot, classic style in siphon pot

In fact, bird brother does not resist fake goods, imitation goods, but do not like to sell fake goods seriously or inferior behavior, this post welcomes reprinting, buy fake goods less, sell fake goods will be less, if it is to save money, directly buy domestic can.

True and false usually need a comparison, in Bird Brother's physical store there is a fake hario siphon pot used as a negative teaching material, bought a few years ago in Taobao, used to compare customers. This time it really came in handy. This is a general imitation goods, fine imitation goods have been touched before, in this will be listed one by one with the real goods the same and different points. At first glance, genuine goods and fakes are similar, so we have to compare the details step by step. Genuine hario siphon pot lid with clear lettering

Imitation goods are not clear, the font is not the same, fine imitation goods can also be close to the font level of genuine goods, so only look at the cover and can not be sure is genuine goods, step by step, step can not be wrong is genuine goods.

Then look at the seal rubber of the siphon pot seat, the genuine goods are printed with the word hario, smell this part, the rubber of the genuine goods has no peculiar smell, the imitation goods do not print the word hario and have a bad rubber smell, the fine imitation goods are also printed with the word hario, the smell is not big, so continue to look.

Look at the bottom of the siphon pot bracket. The imitation is rough.

The bottom of the imitation goods is very grainy

Bottom Overall

The bottom of the genuine goods is smooth and the handwriting is neat and clear

Bottom of the genuine cargo support

And fine imitation goods can also achieve similar craftsmanship standards, so we have to continue to look at the imitation of alcohol lamps

Genuine alcohol lamp, the difference between this and imitation goods is very obvious, the shape of the cover and windshield are completely different, but only the front, fine imitation goods can also do the appearance of genuine goods. Written here, you should be able to understand that it is easier to distinguish between imitation goods and genuine goods, but it is more difficult to distinguish between fine imitation goods and genuine goods, but obvious places will appear soon.

Counterfeit alcohol lamp bottom

The bottom of the alcohol lamp of the genuine goods is printed with hario, and there are the words of origin and serial number. The fine imitation goods may be printed with hario or two of them. This is better to distinguish. One of the three cannot be less.

Finally, random distribution spoons are very thick, imitation goods are thin and soft, and the shape is also different. The shape of fine imitation goods is similar to that of genuine goods, but also depends on the details.

The genuine bean spoon is printed with clear lettering

Even if it is a bean spoon, the workmanship of the genuine goods is meticulous.

By comparing the above details, I believe that you are not so easy to be cheated. In fact, in addition to the comparison photos taken by Brother Bird, the real thing can also be obviously judged by looking at the glass and touching the handle of the bracket, but it is difficult to express it through photos, so I won't repeat it.

So, ready to buy hario siphon pot coffee friends, you can start, bought hario siphon pot before, see if you have been cheated, it is fake goods do not lose heart, fake goods are people's life can not avoid the experience ah calm down