Coffee review

General knowledge of boutique coffee beans Q & An on the selection and purchase of quality coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Ask, in fact, it means to communicate and consult. I have always believed that only professional sellers will sell high-quality products, and the same is true of coffee beans. By asking, we can not only test the professionalism of the sellers, but also fully convey our needs to the sellers. Thus choose the coffee beans that best suit your taste and utensils. When buying coffee beans, we should keep one item in mind: expensive

Ask, in fact, it means to communicate and consult. I have always believed that only professional sellers will sell high-quality products, and the same is true of coffee beans. By asking, we can not only test the professionalism of the sellers, but also fully convey our needs to the sellers. Thus choose the coffee beans that best suit your taste and utensils. When buying coffee beans, we should keep one thing in mind: expensive may not be expensive, but cheap must be cheap, try not to simply pursue fame and brand, suitable for their own taste is the right way.

When asking questions, we can start with the following points:

Ask about the origin

Just like red wine, the origin of coffee beans is also very important, and there is a rule that the higher the quality of coffee beans, the finer the origin. General general Colombian coffee, Brazilian coffee, that quality must also be general, high-quality coffee is bound to be detailed to the country, producing areas, estates, and even professional sellers will tell you which year the raw beans are.

Ask about the variety

If we buy blended coffee, it may be because of trade secrets, and sellers are generally reluctant to disclose the specific origin and proportion, then you can ask about the varieties of coffee beans. For example, the respective proportions of Arabica coffee and Robbica coffee, although in general, the higher the proportion of Arabica coffee, the more expensive it will be. But on the other hand, it does not mean that there is a problem with the quality of the blended coffee, the right amount of high-quality Robbins coffee is very helpful to improve the mellowness of the coffee. In addition, if it is a single cup of coffee, unless it is a special professional or special hype sellers, will tell you something such as Tibica, of course, this situation is rare.

Ask about taste and baking degree

Taste is not only related to the variety of coffee beans, but also related to the baking degree, so if you can't see the color of coffee beans directly in the bag, you must know the roasting degree of coffee beans. Generally speaking, the deeper the roasting, the more bitter, but the personality of coffee will not be obliterated. The lighter it is, the more sour it will be, and it may be a little exciting.

Ask about the degree of grinding

Each vessel has its own degree of grinding, so if you buy a ground coffee powder or ask the seller to grind it on your behalf, be sure to tell the other person what kind of vessel extraction you are, so that you can grind the coffee powder to the appropriate thickness.

Through careful communication, you can not only learn a lot about coffee, but also ensure that you choose really high-quality and suitable coffee beans. At the same time, I think this kind of communication process is also very interesting.