Coffee review

Answers to 6 Coffee knowledge questions in the Encyclopedia of Fine Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Q: should I store the coffee beans in the refrigerator after they are opened? How to save it? Answer: as long as it is sealed in a cool place at room temperature. Coffee is not recommended to be put in the refrigerator. If you put it in the refrigerator and take it in and out when you want to drink it, the fresh-keeping temperature of the coffee is unstable, which leads to the faster loss of smell, not to mention that coffee has the function of deodorizing. This has become a deodorant.

Q: should I store the coffee beans in the refrigerator after they are opened? How to save it?

Answer: as long as it is sealed in a cool place at room temperature. It is not recommended to put coffee in the refrigerator, if you put it in the refrigerator, when you want to drink coffee, the fresh-keeping temperature of coffee is unstable, which leads to the loss of smell faster, not to mention that coffee has the function of deodorization. This has become a deodorant. The most important thing is to drink as soon as possible after opening the package!

Q: drinking coffee can also help you lose weight

A: yes! As long as no spices are added. Simple black coffee, because coffee can promote human metabolism, in fact, you can lose weight, but to the right amount, so that you can be healthy and beautiful.

Q: how long is the shelf life of coffee beans?

Answer: as long as the seal is not opened, the appreciation period is as long as one year, but after opening the seal, special attention should be paid to the preservation method. Of course, it is best to taste it as soon as possible.

Q: why does the surface of coffee beans become greasy?

Answer: the following two factors make coffee beans out of oil: 1, sunlight, 2, the temperature is too high. You should pay attention to the way you save it.

Q: why are there no unsealed coffee beans, and the bags become bulging, swollen and full of gas?

A: roasted coffee beans are still full of vitality, and will continue to carry out chemical reactions to release carbon dioxide, so the bags will be bulged by gas, there is such a phenomenon, indicating that the coffee beans are very fresh!

Q: what is the ventilation button on the bag for? Will it cause air to enter the package and cause oxidation?

Answer: this is a patented one-way ventilation button, the function is to release carbon dioxide produced by the chemical action of coffee beans, as long as gently squeeze the bag, the gas will be discharged from the ventilation button, at this time close to the nose, you can smell bursts of coffee. Because of the one-way design, the gas can only be discharged and cannot enter.