Coffee review

High-quality coffee culture is very different from local coffee culture.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee culture is no exception. Americans like to drink coffee casually and without scruples; American coffee culture has no European sentiment or Arab fastidiousness; the connotation of American coffee culture is to drink freely, comfortably, self-and detached. The United States is a young and vibrant country, and any form of culture in this country is like itself.

Coffee culture is no exception. Americans like to drink coffee at will, without scruples; American coffee culture does not have European sentiment, no Arab attention; American coffee culture connotation is to drink freely, drink comfortably, drink from me and detached.

The United States is a young and vibrant country, and every cultural form in this country is like itself. It is free from restrictions, unconventional, and spontaneous.

The United States is also the world's largest coffee consumer today, and its coffee culture is evident everywhere: Americans drink coffee almost everywhere, at home, at school, in the office, in public, and everywhere else.

Coffee in Turkey, an ancient Middle East country, is like a legendary myth in "One Thousand and One Nights," which can help to get close to God and wash away sadness. Just like the Chinese tea ceremony, the Turks are also very particular about coffee culture. Before drinking coffee, they not only burn incense, but also sprinkle spices and smell incense. The variety of coffee pots makes it full of Arabian Nights style.